Campus Persecution

Read It takes guts to stand up for Jesus.

The "God-haters," discrimmination, persecution and harassment by the liberal left of this campus makes national news. Read the smut pages.

On campus I observed the following activities:

Black Americans and homosexuals are favored for employment. Years ago it was called "discrimination" to select people for employment based on ethnicity, age, sex, religion, political party, and so forth. Nowadays, nobody cares except those being discriminated against.

The Ohio State University is committed to nondiscrimination, equal employment opportunity and affirmative action. This commitment is both a matter of law and moral imperative consistent with an intellectual community in which individual differences and diversity are celebrated. Accordingly, discrimination against any individual for reasons of race, color, creed, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, sex, age, disability, or veteran status is specifically prohibited. -

What a crock of lies! LOL!

To mention God or appear to be discussing Christianity in any way is strictly prohibited at the university. However, any and all other religions whether middle-eastern and satanic are acceptable.

I personally experienced the following situations.

Read the conflict of interest, and The New Thought Police by Tammy Bruce and Dr. Laura Schlessinger.

The New Thought Police written by Tammy Bruce, the self-described lesbian feminist activist, argues in this provocative book that our fundamental freedoms of expression are under withering assault from powerful special interest groups on the Left. According to Ms. Bruce, the current attempts to silence Dr. Laura are only the latest in a long line of attacks on people whose opinions do not conform with the agendas championed by national feminist, racial, and gay organizations. From rigid speech codes on college campuses to the knee-jerk use of such labels as "racist," "homophobic," and "hateful" in an attempt to socially ostracize people with opposing viewpoints, speaking one's mind today has become increasingly dangerous.

What makes this book's thesis especially powerful is that the author is a progressive who has served in a leadership position at NOW, an organization she now decries as a foot soldier in the war against free speech. "Ironically," writes Ms. Bruce, "it is the progressives who, while seemingly committed to freedom of expression, attempt to exact severe social punishments on anyone who espouses an idea or opinion that challenges their status quo. Perhaps it's time for all of us to reread George Orwell's '1984.'"