Hey, Jill H. and OSU Medical Center, you would not have to BEG people to come and work for you if you and your colleagues did not treat the decent, honest and dedicated people so badly! Lying, cheating, black-balling, and blackmail will not get you very far. Bad reputations travel fast. However, thank you so much for liberating me from the evil bondage of this place. Life is so wonderful without you! May God have mercy on your souls.

For all of you who conspired against me, lied about me [or anyone] and accused me of lies, and for all those who misuse the schools and taxpayers money, or steal from the university, or treat other people like trash, and you all know who you are, this message is for you -

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Galatians 6:7

It is really very sad for me to have to say but to those of you who claim to be Christians and yet turn the other cheek, shame on you! Shame on you who do nothing whether out of fear of losing your jobs, ashamed to let anyone know you are a Christian, or jealous of others who may have a bigger ministry than you. Shame on you for promoting yourselves above the work of Christ. May God have mercy on your souls.

To the faculty and staff of the Verita's Forum, shame on you. I wonder what you will do when you face God and discover that you wasted all of your time on yourselves instead of others.