What You Do Not Know About College Until You Get There
- Quarters are like gold.
- You never knew that you could get a buzz from coffee or that coffee could get that thick.
- Flip-flops become as important as soap, shampoo,etc.
- You will never find so many excuses for a bucket.
- Asleep by 2:30 am is an early night.
- New additions to the food groups: pizza, strong coffee, ice-cream, alcohol.
- Make sure your alarm clock has back-up batteries.
- Sleep becomes more important which you never get enough of.
- One or two meals a day are standard.
- You recycle clothes so you do not have to do laundry.
- 10 minutes is more than enough time to get ready for your first class.
- Going to the mailbox was never before so exciting.
- If the lecture hall is big enough, get someone else's notes.
- Your bill in the bookstore will almost equal tuition.
- Isn't it amazing that the book your professor wrote is always required for his class?
- E-mail becomes your second language.
- Ten-page papers used to sound impossible, now they're a Godsend.
- You never realized so many people are smarter than you.
- You never realized so many people are dumber than you.
- Professors are like celebrities: you see them, but they never see you.
- See every movie under $3 that your campus provides; it's actually proportional to the amount of money you have.
- Road-trip whenever possible.
- Pick up all new lingo.
- Bum rides, notes and snacks as much as you can get them.
- Care packages rank up there with birthdays.
- Learn to love your roommate, especially when he leaves you the room.
- Beware the freshman 15.
- Things that were a huge deal in high school are now commonplace.
- You never thought you would share so much about yourself with people you have known for such a short time.
- Any game can be made into a drinking game.
- Disney movies are more than just classics.
- You will hear more stupid nicknames than you ever thought possible.
- Cereal makes a meal any time of day.
- Keep your high school term papers; nowadays, everything is recycled.
- ATMs are the devil's advocate.
- You almost forget how to drive.
- You'll drink anything if it's free.
- People still cheat, it's just more technologically advanced.
- You get really good with excuses for skipping class.
- The girl (or guy) you're going to marry may live right next door, so keep your stereo down.
- Ordering food at 1 am is a common occurrence.
- You never realized how cool you can be.
- TV becomes a bigger time sucker than ever before.
- You meet the type of people you only thought existed in the movies.
- You learn to sleep with light, noise, extreme temps, and roommates snoring.
- You don't have to cover your textbooks anymore.
- You live for 10¢ wings at BW-3.
- You begin to realize that college is about the ideal lifestyle, except for those pesky classes.
- You get good at rationalizing on whether to do homework or not (usually not).
- Procrastination becomes an art.
- The only reason you ever dress up is when everything else is dirty.
- Your parents start to tell you stories about their college days.
- Going to the convenient store is fun.
- You have two kinds of shoes: everyday shoes and party shoes.
- Classes: the later the better.
- Care packages make it all worthwhile.
- The longer you're there, the less you talk about home.
- Always carry an umbrella.
- Card games never lasted for hours before.
- Vacuuming happens every semester, if you get around to it.
- People who never talked to you in high school are now your best friends when you come home.
- You are NEVER alone.
- It's amazing how late you can stay up doing absolutely nothing, yet falling asleep in class or in the library takes an average of two seconds.
- You spend a ridiculous amount of time pondering the mystery of whether the dining hall food the real thing.
- You begin to subdivide your room into sections such as den, library, etc. to make it sound like a house.
- All you have to do to make new friends is have mom send up some cookies.
- You never realized how quiet your house was.
- Printers only break down when you desperately need them.
- You get along so much better with your family now that you never see any of them.
- Your life will never be the same again.