'The Marketing of Evil' gets rave reviews

Kupelian's blockbuster praised by Limbaugh, Schlessinger, Malkin, others

Source: 08 Septemeber 2005 | www.wnd.com

What's been widely hailed as the "must-read" book of the year, David Kupelian's The Marketing of Evil is exposing how "radicals, elitists and pseudo-experts" are conning millions of us into accepting beliefs and behaviors that would have horrified all previous generations of Americans.

"In fact," said Kupelian, who has been doing wall-to-wall media appearances since the book launched Aug. 22 on Fox News' "Hannity & Colmes" and the Sean Hannity Show, "people seem to be hungry for the information in The Marketing of Evil. They know they've been lied to and manipulated for years, but they just haven't understood exactly how it's been done."

The book, which skyrocketed up the Amazon charts upon its release, documents how much of the radical agenda that currently dominates America, from abortion to "gay rights" to church-state "separation," has actually been sold to Americans using the exact same psychological manipulation techniques employed by Madison Avenue.

Response to Kupelian's book so far has been intensely polarizing. While detractors call the book "dangerous" and "a primer for teaching right-wing Christians why democracy and freedom are wrong," most are calling it one of the most important books of the year:

"David Kupelian's book is like a giant X-ray machine that exposes the atheistic, secular left's brilliant marketing campaigns aimed at seducing America away from its founding Judeo-Christian faith. If you want to know how such a thoroughly decent country as America could go so wrong so fast, you simply have to read The Marketing of Evil."
"David Kupelian dares to tell the truth about the overwhelming forces in our society which take us far away from our original American concept of freedom with responsibility, happiness with commitments, and traditional values. The Marketing of Evil is a serious wake-up call for all who cherish traditional values, the innocence of children, and the very existence of our great country."

The Marketing of Evil reveals how much of what Americans once almost universally abhorred has been packaged, perfumed, gift-wrapped and sold to them as though it had great value. Highly skilled marketers, playing on our deeply felt national values of fairness, generosity and tolerance, have persuaded us to embrace as enlightened and noble that which all previous generations since America’s founding regarded as grossly self-destructive - in a word, evil.

In the end, The Marketing of Evil is an up-close, modern-day look at what is traditionally known as "temptation" - the art and science of making evil look good.

David Kupelian is the managing editor of WorldNetDaily.com, the world’s largest independent news Web site. He is also a popular WND columnist and the driving force behind the acclaimed monthly news magazine Whistleblower.

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