Page Suggestions: Bible Facts

What does the BIBLE say about the Positive Influence of the Bible in America

How the Bible and Christianity has Influenced the Family Unit

The Bible is very supportive of the family unit as God created the first family. The family unit in America was the strongest when the national life of the nation upheld laws and principles that protected it. As the judicial system relaxed divorce laws with no-contest rulings, divorce increased. When our society became tolerant of the homosexual lifestyle, the family unit took another downward spiral. (Notice, I said tolerant of the homosexual lifestyle, not the homosexual. God loves the homosexual and wants to change them and give them a normal life. However, He hates the sin of homosexuality as it is destroying many lives and families.) When laws are established that encourage sin, then the fruit of that sin brings confusion to society. Laws in our nation that are trying to gain acceptance for gays to marry will further escalate destruction to the family. Read homosexuality.

The Lord desires for the family unit to once again thrive with the husband as the head of the family who loves and nurtures his wife and children. Christian homes that are in God's order will produce happy and loving families. Many cultures throughout history made women mere chattels or property of the man. When Jesus came, He truly liberated women to be restored to their proper place in a marriage. The Biblical model for marriage is a partnership between a husband and wife, where both parties love and respect each other. Cultures and societies without the Bible's influence usually repress and use the women and even the children.

However, our culture has, in many ways, swung in the opposite direction with many women dominating and lording over the man and trying to rule him. Many women in the United States do not have a submissive attitude toward their husbands, but rather, want to do their own thing. Many women in our nation have abandoned their husbands and children for the excitement of the marketplace. Being in this arena has further divided the home and left a whole generation of children without their mothers or fathers. It is not always wrong for women to be in the workplace, but generally it is better for the mother to be at home with the children when they are young. Children no longer are being mentored by their parents, but by daycare workers, baby sitters, humanistic school teachers, and the wicked influences of the media that have brainwashed them with the evil ideas of the day. The Bible is just old-fashioned enough to advise parents to teach and raise their children. (We realize 50% of homes in America are single parent homes and some of these never wanted to be in that situation. In those cases, they must make the best of the situation they are in and pray for the Lord to help them.)

Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God. Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it. Ephesians 5:21-25

For more information on true submission in marriage.

Our homes are being battered from many different sources. Pornography is another area where our laws need tightening and enforcing. Our nation also has laws on the books against this evil. However, we have allowed evil to prevail in the name of freedom. Without a Christian influence against this kind of evil, more women and children will be exploited, and lust will destroy the intimacy of our marriages. Keeping the commandments of the Bible is all that stands between us and this flood of evil. Those who produce pornography for greed and those who want their lustful and sinful desires satisfied are responsible for this evil remaining in our nation.

It is only the "salt and light" of Christianity that keeps us from total destruction. Again, Christianity's effect on the family unit is demonstrated as people follow the Lord's plan for a happy marriage with the husband loving and caring for his wife as the Lord cares for His bride, the church.

Bible Influence Bible Facts