Page Suggestions: Bible Facts
What does the BIBLE say about the Positive Influence of the Bible in America
The Bible's Influence in the Culture and Traditions of Society
When the Bible's influence is strong in a society, it will affect all aspects of that culture in a positive way. The opposite is also true -- when a society turns its back on God, it will begin to reflect evil in its cultural choices. We see this today as we watch our young and old people embrace things that are totally unbiblical. How we dress, what we eat, what music we listen to, and what we choose for entertainment, are all reflections of how strongly or weakly we embrace the Word of God. Rebellious, anti-Christ music has become firmly established in our society today in spite of the dangerous influence it has had on our young people. This music has encouraged lust, sex, suicide, rebellion against authority, etc. Even physically, it has damaged the hearing of a whole generation of young people who listen to loud music and live bands constantly. There are those who are deaf or going deaf from this exposure.
Many of our young people today don't realize how unbecoming, and in some cases even vulgar, the latest clothing trends and fads appear on them. They look strange with their body piercings, tattoos, and extreme oversized baggy clothes that show their underwear. Others wear extremely tight shorts and other revealing clothes with nude portions of their bodies showing. Our culture has stamped its approval because so many young people have embraced these things. Older people have embraced many of the same things. They think it is the trendy thing to do. However, Praise God, we do have a remnant of young people who are seeking to be like Jesus as their motto is "What Would Jesus Do?" What would He do? I personally can't picture Jesus with nose rings, tattoos, underwear showing, and His hair dyed purple. Praise God for the young people who are taking a stand against the ungodly trends of our society. We are regressing in our culture when we watch our youth defile their bodies and express themselves in ways that are unbecoming as Christians.
We could address many more cultural trends and traditions that do not glorify God or are against the Word of God. However, at this time, we will address only one more; the tradition of Halloween. for more information. The celebration of this holiday has its roots in witchcraft. Although this holiday is an Satanic celebration, the influence of Christianity in our nation has established the celebration of some true "holy-days." Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter (see note below) are all Christian celebrations that we enjoy even if some people celebrate them in the wrong way.
Please note that the writer here references the holiday "Easter" as being a true Christian holy day. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is what we celebrate. We now refer to this holy day as "Resurrection Day," not Easter. Read more about the word "Easter" and its pagan roots at Where did "Easter" get its name?. -Admin-