Page updated 03 Nov 2015
Page Suggestions: Bible Facts
What does the BIBLE say about Business Practices
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- Representing our products falsely by exaggerated marketing ads just to make sales.
- Treating our employees the way we would want to be treated. (Fair and just wages and benefits should be given to all workers without being a respecter of persons.)
- Furnishing comfortable and good working conditions for our help.
- Observing the Sabbath rest for all employees as well as ourselves. (Workaholics will eventually experience burnout and God knew as human beings we all need a day of rest and refreshing in the Lord.)
- Terminating employees unfairly because of greed. (Often loyal older employees are replaced by younger ones at a lesser salary to avoid retirement benefits and the higher earned salary of the older worker).
- Correcting our workers when necessary with kindness and grace.
Although these lists are by no means complete, this will give us a starting place to examine if we are living a Christian life in the marketplace. Notice the examples used in this list are character related and unless people come to God and allow Jesus to change their evil nature, our nation will continue to plunge into a deteriorating workplace. We as Christians should be examples in leading the way of good work ethics in the marketplace. It is sad that many Christians fail to do this and our witness in the world is not Christian at all as we act like the rest of the world.
Many Christian employees justify their actions because they feel they are just compromising in little things that do not matter. Such things as: Telling little white lies, tardiness, misusing their privileges, failure to keep their word, gossiping in the office, taking advantage of their sick leave, using the company telephone, postage, equipment, etc. for personal use, expecting salaries beyond their work production, producing sloppy work, etc.
Christian employers who violate God's principles are guilty too, of wrong treatment of employees, improper conduct, unfair wages, overworking employees, failure to supply safe working conditions, ignoring communication problems and unjustly terminating employees.
The Word of God tells us how we can please God in the workplace in Matthew 25:23,
His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord."
Being faithful in the little things will promote us to rule over larger things. The same is true on the negative side, neglect in little things can cause big problems. May the Lord show us the "little foxes" in our workplaces that are creating big problems.
We must remember as Christians our ministry is to live the Christian life any where we are. The most important thing is our relationship with people. We must guard and watch our attitude in the office one toward another as well as our outreach to the people God sends us to be a witness. Remember the Golden Rule:
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Luke 6:31 (NIV)And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.Luke 6 (KJV) verse 31
This article was taken from the Overcoming Life Digest (March/April 1997 Issue)