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What does the BIBLE say about. Capital Punishment

death penalty, execution, put to death

How can a Christian support the death penalty and at the same time be opposed to abortion?

Source: 27 November 2012 |

Dr. David Reagan: Let's look at some of the statements that we run across all the time and get your reactions on these. People are always writing in and saying, "How can a Christian support the death penalty at the same time be opposed to abortion?"

Eric Barger: Well, we stand for innocent life. In the case of the death penalty, this is a completely different deal, though. Capital punishment is not about innocent life. In the case of a baby, this is innocent life which we stand up for. So, the argument is a moot point, and one that the Atheist and Agnostic love to throw at us.

Nathan Jones: Yes, it's nothing but legal jargon.

Eric Barger: They are two different and unrelated topics.

Dr. Reagan: It's interesting too from a Christian viewpoint that the death penalty was commanded by God in the covenant He made with Noah, which is an everlasting covenant. That covenant is still in effect today. God said if anyone takes a life, there a life is to be taken (Leviticus 24:17Bible quoteAnd he that killeth any man shall surely be put to death.Leviticus 24 verse 17). This is a command that originates from the Bible. But, people will say the law was overridden by the New Testament, because the New Testament is all about love. It didn't override the covenant with Noah either, for that covenant is still in effect.

You both are right. Concerning abortion, one is talking about a completely innocent life. The other one is about judgment on the guilty.

Eric Barger is an authority on the cults, the New Age, and rock music today. From his past as a former drug addict and rock n' roll musician who was deeply involved in the New Age movement, Eric has emerged since he gave his life to Jesus Christ to become a great defender of Christianity in America.

Capital Punishment Bible Facts