Page Suggestions: Bible Facts, Mark of the Beast

What does the BIBLE say about Tattoos

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If you, through ignorance, have received a tattoo or allowed your children to have one, you should pray against any evil or witchcraft that may have come through the circumstances when that tattoo was received. Some people receive tattoos before they are "born again" and after they are touched by the Lord, they wish they had never had it done. The Lord loves you, so do not come under any condemnation, just pray over them and ask the Lord to remove any spiritual influences denoted by the tattoo and He will do it. The Lord looks on our hearts and motives and judges us by those, not our outward appearance. However, if the tattoo bothers you and you cannot cover it, you can have it removed by laser surgery.

The bottom line for this issue would be to ask the popular youth slogan, "What Would Jesus Do?" I don't believe we will ever see Jesus with a tattoo. The only scars on His body are the ones put there by EVIL MEN that crucified Him. They were not self-inflicted. Overcomers will put away anything that leads to bigger compromises.


This article was taken from the Overcoming Life Digest (Jan./Feb. 1997 Issue)

Tattooing is often a MAGICAL RITE in the more traditional cultures, and the tattooist is respected as a priest or shaman. -Michelle Delio, Tattoo: The Exotic Art of Skin Decoration, page 73-

In Fiji, Fromosa, New Zealand and in certain of the North American Indian tribes, tattooing was regard as a religious ceremony, and performed by priests or priestesses. –Ronald Scutt, Art, Sex and Symbol, 1974, page 64-

The actual tattooing process, which involved complex ritual and taboos, could only be done by priests and was associated with beliefs which were secrets known only to members of the priestly caste. . . Hambly concluded that historically tattooing had originated in connection with ancient rites of scarification and bloodletting which were associated with religious practices intended to put the human soul in harmony with supernatural forces and ensure continuity between this life and the next. –Steve, Gilbert, Tattoo History: A Source Book, page 158-

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