Types of Abuse

The 'Performer' Personality

This individual is forever on stage, living his life to satisfy a fickle audience whose demands change from person to person and from situation to situation.

The controller and the compliant both are likely to suffer from performance. However, the performer learned to perform to achieve love, security, and significance.

Performers have an identity problem. Many times, they do not know who they are, what they like or dislike, or how they feel. The performer becomes whatever is necessary to be accepted and loved.

His identity is what he perceives others want him to be. Performance-bound individuals have a fear of failure. They believe love is based on their performance. To fail means not only are their needs threatened, but also their self-esteem is in jeopardy.

Performance-oriented people believe they must earn God's love and acceptance. Every Christian needs to feel loved by God, secure in God, and significant to God. However, as long as performance-bound people to continue to order both their physical, emotional, and spiritual lives by their achievements, peace will allude them. Like most of the relationship abuses, attention must be given to the demonic realm, iniquities, inner vows, or hurts.

Eventually, however, the performers HAVE TO REPENT of dead works, TAKE THEIR HANDS OFF OF THEIR OWN LIVES and the lives of others, and ALLOW GOD TO BE GOD. Performance-bound people must understand that their behavior usurps God's role in their lives and in the lives of others.

Excerpt from Freedom From Your Past by Jimmy Evans.

Types of Abuse