Page updated 23 September 2018

Types of Abuse

Spiritual, Domestic, and Relationship Abuse

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Women who are single are not under any earthly man's headship since they do not have a flesh relationship with a man. Their head is Jesus Christ and it is this union to which they are subject. -What does the Bible say about submission in marriage?-

Another growing and abusive act against women in the church is preachers justifying polygamy and using women however they please. Benny Hinn has made a comment inferring that 'biblically speaking' women are just men toys (I think this video was removed from the internet!). Creflo Dollar has been arrested for violence against the women in his own family. Pat Robertson has made several violent comments against women including this one, Wives Must Be Spanked. Ladies, the first time a man says to you that he does not want to be seen with you at church, RUN! Violence against women in the church needs to be STOPPED!

If you are trying to determine whether or not a particular group may be spiritually abusive, consider the following questions: (Read entire article at Spiritual Abuse: Shepherds – or Fleecers – of God's Flock?)

→ Do they exalt someone as an irrefutable authority in the group?

→ Do they demand your absolute allegiance?

→ Do they discourage your questions?

→ Do they shame people publicly?

→ Do they insist on making major decisions in your life?

→ Do they have a long list of rules related to dress, hairstyle, diet or activities?

→ Do they judge those who do not keep their list of rules?

→ Do they consider themselves the "only true church"?

→ Do they consider those who leave their group "apostates," "backsliders" or "doomed"?

→ Do they teach that godly people should give more financially so that they will receive more?

Possible Support and Healing Places to check out

support groups with contact numbers, or group forums
heartA Safe Place heartChristian-Koinonia Support Group
heartChristian Survivors of Spiritual Abuse heartCult Recovery
heartEx-Cult Resource Center heartExit and Support Network
heartFreedom of Mind heartHot Peach
heartRecovering Grace heartRick Ross Institute
heartSpiritual Sounding Board heartSurvivors Pathway

Spiritual abuse testimonies

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