Page Suggestions: False Prophets, who are true prophets, Wolves in Sheep's Clothing

Alternate known names: Brownsville Revivals, Elijah List, Florida Revivals, IHOP, Kansas City Prophets, New Apostolic Reformation (NAR)A movement within Protestant Christianity that embraces present-day apostles and prophets who claim they govern the church and give new divine revelation needed to set up God's EARTHLY kingdom., Toronto Blessing → see false prophet list.

Bill Johnson

Not Bethel, BUT Beth-"HELL" - How God Rescued Me From Bill Johnson's Bethel Cult

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Around this time I had already stopped going to the church. When I first got there, for the first two months, because God gifted me with charisma, celebrity looks (and I don't say that arrogantly) and the ability to draw people, I instantly became EXTREMLEY popular. By the time I left Redding, I was considered a pariah in some circles and cliques within. Even though I lived with Bethel students, I began to expose Bethel, Bill Johnson, Kris Vallaton, Danny Silk, and ALL of the celebrity WOLVES in there within their evil and deceptive cabal. People that used to "love" me (so they said), snubbed me on the streets. They unfriended me on facebook. They'd give me looks of sheer disdain whenever we'd cross paths...we're talkin' some of the same people that I've prayed with, broke bread with, and had gotten vulnerably intimate with. When I stopped going to the church and began staying home and listening to REAL MINISTERS OF GOD like Michael Boldea and Mike Hoggard, Paul Washer and David Eells, I got flack from my roommates saying that those guys were mad and didn't know God. They asked me not to play their sermons but I'd ignore their comments and continued to feed on what was REAL GOSPEL.

I would often challenge my roomies and other Bethel "robots" on Bill and Kris' theology and their twisted new age "sermons" WITH SCRIPTURE and it ceased to surprise me anymore that they'd rebuttle my challenges with quotes from one of Bill or Kris' books. IMAGINE THAT!!! They ALWAYS tried to refute GOD'S WORD with quotes from books written by their false teachers. Can you say MIND CONTROL??? So after 2 months, I stopped going. I continued to live with the students because it was a "phat crib" OR, a nice house for those who are linguistically challenged in "SLANG"...LOL :) I was paying rent by this time in a new home and differnt students. The landlord approached me one day while shooting ball in the yard and told me that if I didn't start attending Bethel and doing what they call "SOZO" classes (which is simply /new age mysticism/chanting/ contemplative prayer or "soaking" kinda stuff) that I would have to find somewhere else to live.

It was my 4th month in Redding and that was my "Q" to leave. My wife was on the phone when this happened. I had my bluetooth in my ear and the landlord wasn't aware that I was on a phone call at the time. My wife COULD NOT BELIEVE HER EARS!!! We both knew it was time to "GIT OUTTA DARE." I became good friends with Mike Hoggard while going through that trying period, and he REALLY helped sustain me in prayer and encouraging words. I intially was going to relocate to where he is and get some discipleship and restoration. But God led me home.

Let me give you one more story here before I close. There was a class held every Sunday called "Fire Starters" birthed out of the Toronto Blessing movement. This class was supposed to... get this..."TEACH" PEOPLE HOW TO PROPHESY...LOL!!! Yes...I laughed too!!

So anyway, every class people were randomly called to the front of the room. They were lined up, and asked to pick someone in the room and give them a word of knowledge...BUT THERE WERE RULES. WHAT EVER YOU SAID HAD TO BE SWEET, KIND, AND MAKE THE PERSON "FEEL" GOOD. Those are the rules verbatim!!! After weeks of seeing this nonsense and people stating the obvious and touting it as hearing from God, out of frustration, one Saturday night, I decided to MAKE UP, FABRICATE a "word of knowledge" just in case I would be picked out to prophesy in tomorrow's class. And whaddaya know...I get picked. When my turn came, I shared my FABRICATED "word." It was this,

"There's someone here who's been strategizing suicide, and the devil is tormenting you. If you'll raise your hand, we can pray for you and you can be released."

Much to my surprise, a hand went up. WOW....I'm like okay God, you used my prank to REALLY get someone's attention. "Praise You." But I was about to get an even BIGGER surprise, because I immediately thought the room would shut down and people would bombard this poor girl who planned to take her life, so they could pray and labor over her soul, but NO!!! That's NOT what happened. Instead, I got reprimanded by Kevin Dedmond, one of the "leaders." (You can see his crap on youtube with Sid Roth.) And I was told that I'm to only say things that make people feel good. And they resumed right back into letting people perform their exercises of divination, 'cause that's what it REALLY is. More upsetting is that when class dismissed, out of a room of about 150 people, I only saw 2 people (excluding myself), a couple go minister to that girl. Everyone else??? Well, they were too anxious to go through the FRUITLESS "fire tunnel" so that they could appease their flesh...and so they did...THEY LAUGHED, THEY JERKED, THEY SHOOK, THEY CONVULSED, THEY WRITHED IN THE FLOOR, and to this very day...they call it GOD. When they finally DO meet God they'll not be laughing anymore!!! I'd like to thank Pat Rogers from "ANGRY SHEEP" for encouraging me to share this with you all. Believe me, there's soooooooooo much more to share and I'll add on as things come to mind. You have to realize that I only hunt and peck 20 wpm, so typing, for now anyway, isn't my forte. Getting ready to take classes though. Please forgive any type-o's. Love You All in the Lord and I pray that in some way you were blessed, edified, or educated through this writing.

God Bless You,

Shofar :)

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