Page Suggestions: False Prophets, who are true prophets, Wolves in Sheep's Clothing
Alternate known names: Brownsville Revivals, Elijah List, Florida Revivals, IHOP, Kansas City Prophets, New Apostolic Reformation (NAR)A movement within Protestant Christianity that embraces present-day apostles and prophets who claim they govern the church and give new divine revelation needed to set up God's EARTHLY kingdom., Toronto Blessing → see false prophet list.
Curt Landry
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I replied, "Yes, sir, I am."
He then demanded, "Then why will you not rise?"
I remained silent and sat peaceably. He then ordered the elders/ushers, "Go escort those folks out!"
The bouncers arrived, but we still sat peacefully and silently. The televangelist then threatens, "Unless you leave right now, I’ll call the police and have you arrested for criminal trespass."
Mike and I, two sinners, one an atheist and the other a Christian, left. My Jewish sinner friend and his wife, who had stood when ordered, chose to stay.
The bouncer goons followed us out to the parking lot, and when Mike and I paused to chat a bit, they told us we must leave immediately. The head goon, a Church elder or perhaps Assistant Pastor, stuck his arm out, his hand in my face, and roared, "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus!" Not being a shy Pentecostal myself, I stuck my arm and hand right back at him, saying, "I rebuke the spirit of religion in this church in the Name of Jesus!"
He stumbled back a few steps and then told us if we refused to leave the parking lot, criminal trespass charges would be lodged against us. We left.
During all this, the local pastor, Ben Wiles, who had known and agreed to our coming, remained silent. As did the congregation. Not a Christian soul spoke up for us. One attendee did leave in disgust, but I don't know his name.
I apologize to my friend, Mike Nunn, for how he was treated. And to my Jewish friend and his wife. I now confer near-prophetic status on my second atheist friend who declined to go for fear of what later that evening happened to us.
I conclude with the words of the pastor of a local church I once attended, a church for whom I have given hours of free legal advice Pastor Mark Haston of First Assembly of God. Unsolicited and without provocation, this pastor interjected himself and rebuked me on Rev. Ben Wiles' public Facebook page. No, he did not name me; he engaged in "religious speak", but his target was clearly me:. Here is his rebuke of me:
"Thank you, Ben, for having Rabbi Curt Landry here last night. He is a man of integrity whom God has anointed to bless the body of Christ in these last days. I have complete confidence that when he ministers, he does nothing outside of what the Holy Spirit directs him to do." Mark Haston said he was "with Curt Landry" when he wrote this and publicly posted it.
Repeat for emphasis: This Rabbi "does nothing outside of what the Holy Spirit directs him to do."
Without painting too broad a brush, such are the folks who are taking over the Tea Party, the local GOP, and many of the local churches.
May God and the Jesus Christ I know and love save us from them!
Cliff Jackson
Former Legal Counsel for Arkansas District Assemblies of God and about another fifteen AoG Districts from Alaska to South Florida to Potomac
Present Legal Counsel for Arkansas District, Pentecostal Church of God
P.S. Also, I want to publicly thumbs up and thank a dear Christian lady, Ricki Davis of Trinity Church, who baked Mike Nunn and me loaves of delicious banana bread and, along with an apology for Christians, gave them to us. God bless, Sister Davis, for showing us the true heart of Christ!
P.P.S. I took this matter up with Church of God Headquarters in Cleveland, Tennessee, who publicly did nothing. Their attorney did advise Pastor Ben Wiles to meet with Mike Nunn and me. We met, and Ben Wiles sorta apologized. I say "sorta" because it did not seem sincere to either Mike or me, and it was "coerced" by the denomination's attorney. Pastor Mark Haston has never apologized to my atheist friend, Mike Nunn, although I have called upon him repeatedly to do so on the Facebook site of First Assembly of God in Hot Springs. About a week ago, Rev. Mark Haston announced that he had accepted pastorate at another church in Decatur, Georgia, Tabernacle Assembly of God.
He refused an email request to have lunch with Mike Nunn and me this week with the two words, "No, thanks."
IF he can leave this town and go to another with unforgiveness in his heart and his offense toward Mike Nunn, my atheist friend, still fresh, more power to him. I pray that he will hear from God before he leaves and apologize to Mike Nunn or at least have lunch with Mike and me so we can try to bring peace to this situation.