Page updated 24 September 2018

Page Suggestions: false doctrines, False prophets, False teachers, Wolves in Sheep's Clothing

False Teacher Kenneth Copeland

Kenneth Copeland says America has a covenent with God, just like Israel and will never fade away, it will become a Christian nation and that the 'American dream' is God's dream for the world. Wow. Why do I feel like Jeremiah as he stood before Hananiah as the false prophet said Israel will not be judged or brought under bondage? Copeland has cemented himself as a dominionist and it's a false word...the 'American dream' is the furthest thing from the word and for a preacher of the gospel to actually say that GOD says the 'American dream' is HIS dream... Jesus said "DENY yourself and follow me" the 'American dream' says "Get all you can in life." -Christopher Gregory


pages to read

The American Dream...?

In love with the world and rejecting the Word of God. Read about the Prosperity Gospel Lie.


This is not an endorsement of Christopher Gregory. He claims to be a prophet and he is not.

False teachers list