Page updated 22 September 2018

Page Suggestions: false doctrines, False prophets, False teachers, Wolves in Sheep's Clothing

False Teacher Steve Hill

He is well known with the Brownsville Revivals in Pensacola, Florida.

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I first heard of Steve Hill through a religous bunny rabbit who had a lying spirit and would go around wreaking havoc in other people's lives while she hopped around from one service to another.

According to what I heard in this video (watch video) it sounds like the Lord sent several true, sound doctrine Christians to Steve at the time that he accepted Jesus as his Savior, but somewhere along the way he veered off the straight and narrow path just as we see with so many people today.

I thank God now that I never attended any of Hill's services. It is apparent to me from the following quotes from him that he is yet another blind and lost soul.


"If you must analyze, then look at me, look at the musicians and singers, look at the congregation, look at the person to the left of you and to the right of you, and just analyze, analyze, analyze get it out of your system. Now let yourselves go: don't even think about what you are doing, forget about those around you and what they are doing. Release your mind release your spirit and let the mighty river of the "Holy Ghost" take you wherever He wants you to go." -Revival ... or Satanic Counterfeit?, Jimmy Robbins, 1996-

"In these latter days preaching and simply teaching the word is no longer sufficient, the Spirit has to get involved, through signs and wonders due to much sin that abounds." What We Saw, Robert C. Gray, December 14, 1996

Steve Hill was very upset when he came to the pulpit to preach that night. He said that he had to get something said before he could preach. Then he talked about the "FBI," which he defined as the "Fault-finding Brothers International." He spoke so arrogantly about anyone questioning this "move of God". -The End Times and Victorious Living, March/April 1997, Vol. 11 No. 2, page 14-

Did you know, friend, there are people that talk about the revival and sway people away from the revival that are going to stand on judgment day-they're going to stand on judgment day for their blindness. The blind leading the blind! There are people that want to get saved at the Brownsville Revival. They wanted to get saved tonight! But before they got out the door, some blind guide got ahold of them and said, "You don't need to go over there; God can touch you right here." -Steve Hill, White Cane Religion, video-

"Don't analyze this "move of God", and you had better receive it if you don't want a stamp of disapproval from Jesus." Neal and Darlenn H visit to Brownsville AOG., February 19, 1997

"When you ridicule those whose bodies are twitching or shaking under the influence of God's glory, beware! Have you forgotten that God's Word and the annals of Church history are filled with the supernatural dealings of our supernatural God?" God does deal with his creatures supernaturally, but God's Word is silent about God ever sending His Holy Spirit to produce these types of manifestations, except in judgment, and certainly not as a blessing or by laying on of hands. Church history is full of stories of these manifestations which have been roundly dismissed as unbiblical and demonic by former church leaders such as Edwards, Spurgeon, Tozer and many others. -Stephen Hill, The God Mockers, chapter 1, 1997 with comment by Deception In The Church-

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