Page Suggestions: Freemasonry
List of 'Alleged' Programmers
Dr. White (Dr. D. Ewen Cameron)
Original sources:,,
Writers: Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler |
Dr. White was the cover name for D. Ewen Cameron (b. Dec. 24, 1901 - Sept. 8, 1967). He was born in Scotland, was tall, imposing, and blue eyed, liked whiskey, and wore custom-made suits. He called women "Lassie." His favorite book growing up was Frankenstein, it is said that Frankenstein inspired him to go into psychiatry.
Cameron was president of the powerful American Psychiatric Association, and later the president of the Canadian Psychiatric Association, and then later the first president of the World Association of Psychiatrists. He was chairman of the Canadian Scientific Planning Committee.
Dr. D. Ewen Cameron, of Montreal, Canada was Dr. White when carrying out Monarch programming. Cameron tried to continue some of Mengele’s eye color research in Canada. Mengele was trying to discover for the Nazi’s how to make brown eyes blue. Cameron received funding from the Illuminati. Cameron also got funding from the CIA. The Rockefeller Foundation gave him $40,000 in 1943 to create the Allen Memorial Institute for psychiatry, an Illuminati front. He began doing programming early in the 1950s. Cameron had served on the gruesome western front in W.W.I.
As an Illuminati kingpin and programmer, Cameron (Dr. White) was very sadistic and cold blooded.
He visited other programmers on the West Coast periodically. One leading Canadian doctor said that Cameron "was not possessed of the necessary sense of humanity to be regarded as a good doctor." The man was able to instill fear into people by looking at them. He met frequently with Allen Dulles, the head of the CIA. He travelled frequently including making stops in Washington. Many of the Monarch slaves on the east coast were victims of Cameron. He worked long hours at his mind control work like a driven man.
In 1961, just one of Cameron’s institutions administered under his supervision 60,000 electrical shocks to patients. This is just what was recorded at one institution for one year. Who knows how many victims got electrical shocks and programming by this man? He worked with the Jesuit part of the NWO in Canada. Leonard Rubenstein was one of his trusted assistants. Cameron encouraged dissension among his staff in divide and Conquer tactics to maintain his power. Cameron had a big ego that allowed him to steal other people’s work and give himself credit for it, in his publications.
Excerpts taken from The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave by Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler.