Page Suggestions: Freemasonry
List of 'Alleged' Programmers
Introductory Remarks
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Nelson Rockefeller had enormous power in South America. In June 1945, when the U.N. was being set up at San Francisco, Nelson Rockefeller attended. While Nelson Rockefeller was there, he busied himself with directing the South American delegates. Rockefeller’s bloc of 19 Latin American countries had more U.N. votes than Europe’s nine members. Rockefeller was a key person, if the Zionist’s wanted the U.N. to vote so that the nation of Israel could be established. The Zionist leadership used what they thought was blackmail, if you don’t let Israel be established we will expose how you are smuggling nazi war criminals into the U.S. Of course, the Illuminati wanted Israel to be created--so those in the Zionist leadership who knew the bigger plans of the Illuminati, knew that the Illuminati-run CIA wasn’t giving up anything.
If anyone asks why the Mossad didn’t expose MI-6 and the CIA’s extensive hiring of Nazi war criminals, they say today that they were using it for blackmail to get Israel what it needed. Those in the know, realize that is just an excuse. The Mossad has hired its own share of Nazi criminals, and at some point learned mind-control programming from the CIA, perhaps even from Mengele (Dr. Green).
The Nazis used Croats and White Russians to carry out some of their genocide policies. Not all of the monsters of W.W. II were German, many were White Russian collaborators. Essentially every White Russian War Criminal from W.W. II that survived the war was placed on one NATO payroll or another. The U.S. intelligence even hired German SS administrators.
Why? Because U.S. Intelligence is controlled by the Illuminati.
The White Russian Nazis were settled in the NY-NJ area, especially in South River, NJ. One of the worst monsters was Stankievich who ended up living in Richmond Hills and working for the CIA. He got a job working for Radio Liberty in NY! Isn’t that ironic that "Radio Liberty" has hired such monsters. Does our government put out propaganda or is it really the champion of freedom that it portrays itself to be?
The Nazi mayor of Minsk was brought over by the CIA and given a job at the N.Y. Library of running the Slavic desk. One of the chief White Russian war criminals, the Vor Kommando Moskau chief recruiter was made head over a NY county medical society. John Foster Dulles, brother of the director of the CIA, was trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation.
The Rockefeller Foundation was a participant in Nazi mind control research done by Mengele and others for the Kaiser Wilhelm Medical Institute in Berlin. After the war, John Foster Dulles helped smuggle Nazis into this country,including those who were Illuminati Mind-control experts.
Bill Casey, later director of the CIA, was also busy helping bring in Nazi war criminals after the war. He served on the International Rescue Committee in NY which he used to bring Nazis into New York. Prior to the war jewish German scientists were smuggled into New York through the Arnold and Constable Store, which housed the ADL on the top floor.
The South American countries, especially Argentina, ruled by the Perons, was connected to both the Illuminati in Germany and the Illuminati in the states. Many germans went to Argentina, and they simply continued doing what they had done in the past. Satanism working under the veil of Nazism was very strong in Argentina where many of the German Illuminati leaders moved after the war.
Another place that the Germans loved to move to was Oregon, especially Portland, OR. The head of Hitler’s intelligence was the brilliant Reinhard Gehlen who worked for the CIA after the war. He is Illuminati. His brother was Doe Winters who lived in Pullach after the war. Mengele, (the Dr. Black of Monarch Programming, who was an Illuminati Grand Master himself) would occasionally visit Doe Winter’s Pullach residence. To renovate the image of Nazi criminals, they became Anti-communist crusaders. A group of fascists from Asia and Europe were taken by U.S. Intelligence and molded into the WACL (World Anti-Communist League).
And we of the sheppel (sheep) were given more Hegalian dialectics. Those of us who still care about humanity’s freedom, and that human spirit not to be broken by the elite’s total mind control, have got to get beyond labels, and the media’s propaganda, and the FALSE FRONTS.
Excerpts taken from The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave by Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler.