Page Suggestions: freemasonry

The Astor Bloodline

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At this point, it needs to be pointed out that there were ties between the following groups: English royalty, English Satanism, English Freemasonry, and German witchcraft, and the Italian Black nobility.

Taking the liberty I have as author of this article, I am going to digress to give some examples of these connections. Although on the surface this doesn’t directly pertain to the Astors, it does.) When one paints in the bigger panorama of what was happening in the occult world, and then one sees a blazing star streak across that panorama, then the real history of that blazing star is given by tracking its voyage through that panorama. However, the history books have intentionally hidden the significance of so many of the players and groups that lay along the track of that blazing streak.

Specific Groups

Order of the Knights of the Helmet-- This was an illuminated secret society with Sir Francis Bacon at its head. In order to hide its Masonic rituals, Sir Francis Bacon wrote a play entitled "The Order of the Helmet." This was performed on 3 January 1594, and again for twelve days in December 1594.

In December 1594, British Aristocrats who had been demonically illuminated, met and put on a "play." Calling their initiation ceremony a play was a great cover. Sir Francis Bacon was made king and "prince of purple." Various men were invested with the Collar of Knighthood of the Helmet, and took vows. And a "Series of Charges by six High Councilors" was given in a manner that is very similar to what the satanic S.R.I.A. does now.

The reader may ask what does this have to do with the Astors? This is simply a few brief look at the background of what was happening in the occult in Europe. The Queen of England sent Sir Francis Bacon as a young man in his twenties to the continent of Europe. Sir Francis Bacon toured France in places such as Louvre, St. Cloud, Blois, Paris, and Poictiers, He also travelled to Germany, Italy and Spain. He visited the various royal courts, such as the court of Marguerite de Valois. Marguerite was married to King Henry of Navarre. Her mother was the evil Catherine de Medicis. Sir Francis Bacon also met with many secret societies. At Marguerite’s court he spent time with "The Pleiade" fraternity, which was a group of 7 intellectuals. According to the best biographer of Sir Francis Bacon, who was Alf red Dodd (Alfred spent his entire life studying SIr Francis Bacon), Sir Francis Bacon was initiated into a large number of secret occult societies when he was on the continent of Europe. He learned kabbalistic magic, Egyptian mysticism, Arabian mysticism, and the customs of the German Steinmetzin. (Dodd, Alfred. Francis Bacon’s Life-Story. London: Rider and Co., 1988, p.10.4.) This information has been provided to give some feel for how the occult in Europe was in contact with its various parts, and that its tentacles included many of the royal families.

Hell Fire Club -- This was a secret Satanic cult which was associated with early Freemasonry. When the connections became known between the Satanists of the Hell Fire Club and the elite of Freemasonry, Freemasonry and the elite made some radical moves. First, Freemasonry publicly proclaimed that it had nothing to do with the Hell Fire Club. When the Hell Fire Club was publicly disbanded by the government (acting on orders from people that tied-in with the club). Later, quietly the club was reconstituted. Phillip, 1 at Duke of Wharton (1698-1731) who was the second person of nobility to be Grand Master of England’s Freemasons (G.M. of the Grand Lodge 6/1722-11/25/1723) was president of the Hell Fire Club. He was an M.P, in the House of Lords. In 1726, he left England and was a basically brought into ill-repute by the Masons, who distanced themselves from him. George Lee, Earl of Lichfield was also another prominent Mason who was a member of the Hell Fire Club.

Benjamin Franklin, who was the head of the American Freemasons in various capacities, and also the head of the Rosicrucians and a number of other secret occult groups was also a member of the Hell Fire Club.

Benjamin Franklin’s satanism was not mentioned in my Be Wise As Serpents book, but he was an important Satanist who was part of the Order of the Quest--that is the group which has been entrusted with the plans for bringing in the New World Order of Satan. Remember that John Jacob Astor was very involved with Freemasonry, as were a number of his intimate friends such as N.Y. Governor DeWitt Clinton and General John A. Armstrong. In regards to the Hell Fire Club, the Earl of Sandwich, Benjamin Franklin and Sir Francis Dashwood were leaders in the Hell Fire Club and were also Post-Master Generals of the British Postal Service, All were Freemasons too. Their positions as Post-Master Generals allowed them total access to the mail, and allowed them to spy on the communications of the 18th century. The man who became Post-Master General after Dashwood, who moved on to be a M.P, in the Br. Parliament, was the Mason John Wilkes. John Wilkes took over in 1766 (in 1774 was Lord Mayor of London). Wilkes then brought one of the original Hell Fire Club members, a friend of his Willis Hill to help with the Postal Service. The next Post-Master general was the totally corrupt man the Earl of Sandwich, who served until 1771. Benjamin Franklin spent the summers of 1772, 1773, and 1774 at Dashwood’s estate in West Wycombe. The caves under Dashwood’s estate at West Wycombe were used for satanic sexual rituals, which were participated in by Benjamin Franklin.

Ordo Saturnus-- This is an old secret satanic German order. In the last few newsletters, I have been educating people on the meaning of Saturn. It means Satan. This previous information helps us understand John Jacob Astor IV when he writes in his book A Journey in Other Worlds,

"The souls of the righteous departed were found on Saturn, where, to a background of weird music, pulsating hearts, luminous brains and centers of spiritual activity quiver with motion."

(A side comment: John Jacob Astor IV had a reputation for his insatiable sexual lust to paw women.) One of the people we have to investigate in relation to the Ordo Saturnus is Valentine Jeune, who was John Jacob Astor’s mentor in Walldorf, Germany. Jeune may well have belonged to an organization such as Ordo Saturnus.

John Jacob Astor Leaves Germany for England and America

John Jacob Astor arrived in England and may well have been introduced In England to British Intelligence by his brother George. At any rate, he got involved in British intelligence which has always been closely linked to Freemasonry and the elite. He spent time socially with the Backhouse family which an aristocratic family. How do you suppose such a supposedly destitute young man could be accepted so easily into the Backhouse social scene? This is not explained by modern biographers.

After four years, his brother George then sent him to America to represent George’s music company. His brother Henry met him when he arrived in 1784 at age 20 and introduced him to the occult world in New York City. Thomas Backhouse and Company was a leading house in the lucrative fur trade. John Jacob Astor set out to bring the fur trade under his own control. There is a tact that must be faced. the elite’s Committee of 300, a secret legislative group of the Illuminati, decided that John Jacob Astor could expand into the fur trade and into the opium narcotics trade. Dope, Inc. shows that the Astor famIly was the first American family to get into the Opium trade, and that their opIum trade had was a special privilege that most other American businesses did not even try to compete with. Why? Dope, Inc. doesn’t say this but I know that it is because the Committee of 300 decides such things, not free enterprise. American furs yielded 1000% profit in those days. The privilege of fur trading was a pot of gold so to speak that the Committee of 300 gave Astor, and it could only have happened because the Astor family in Walldorf was already part of a principal satanic bloodline.

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