Page Suggestions: Freemasonry

The Collins Bloodline

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Christians have been held accountable for something the Collins family did to Christians in Salem, Massachusetts. My opinion is that the Collins family practiced witchcraft before coming to New England in the 17th century. One ex-Illuminati member who was from the Collins bloodline stated that the Collins family brought witchcraft from England to America. For the first part of the 1700s, one of the British Collins was prominent for his books promoting Deism against Christianity.

As an example of some of their aristocratic ties, Arthur Collin’s 9 volume reference work Collin’s Peerage of England published in 1812 was a definitive work on aristocratic peerage. Obviously, Arthur Collins had a great deal of clout to be able to research such a massive work on people of significance in England. The Collins family gave us John Collins, third Governor of Rhode Island. John Collins was born to the rich powerful part of the Collins family at Newport, R.I. John Coliins (1717-1795) played an important part in the creation of our Federal government, and a role in one of the most remarkable court cases Trevett vs. Weeden which set the precedence in court which allowed courts to declare legislative enactments unconstitutional. He advocated the issuance of paper currency and a strong central government, which made him unpopular in the rural areas of Rhode Island. He married Mary Avery.

Another John Collins (1775-1822) born to a well-to-do Collins family was tenth governor of Delaware (1819-1822). Quite a number of Collins have been well-to-do. The wealthiest Collins that I have discovered so far is Matthew Garrett Collins (1874-1925). Matthew Garrett Collins was an oil producer. His father was Oliver Cromwell Collins! named after Oliver Cromwell. Oliver Cromwell was the early Mason who was paid off by the Amsterdam jews to allow the jews back into England. Matthew Garrett Collins was a Mason. M.G. Collins manufactured silk and in ten years took the operation in 1886 from nothing to a $2 million business. He was president of Interstate Gasoline Company. He worked with several other big oil men, such as Gov. Charles Haskell of Oklahoma. He was Trustee for Drew Seminary. He participated in the Methodist church. Matthew Garrett Collins oil operations and friendship with the governor of Oklahoma are very significant.

Inside information indicates some type of connection between the Collins family and Oklahoma, and Tulsa is a major headquarters for Satanism in that area. There are a number of buildings that the Satanists own in the Tulsa area that are used for their operations.

Besides Matthew Garrett Collins there have been a number of other wealthy Collinses, such as Theodore Clyde Collins, Jr. (Insurance company executive, banker, president of etc. etc.), Arthur Fletcher Collins (real estate corportion executive, hd of some financial institutions and an financial analyst), Henry James Collins 3rd (Insurance company executive, treasurer of several financial organizations), J. Barclay Collins 2nd (oil company executive, lawyer, bd. director of trustee of a hospital), Leroy Collins, Jr. (banker, director or president of some organizations), John Roger Collins (aerospace company executive, banker, economist, trustee or bd. of director and v.p. of a number of organizations), John Paul Collins (banker, director of Rothschild’s Citicorp Research Corporation, plus trustee of a hospital, besides holding other leading positions in a number of other organizations.) And finally Michael James Collins (not the astronaut) who has been an investment company executive, plus to name a few items-- president of Fidelity Union Life Insurance, president of Allianz Investment Corporation, president of Collins Capital, Dallas, Trustee KERA-TV, bd. director and v.p, of the Carr P. Collins Foundation. None of these men gave information concerning any church affiliation. With the other Collinses usually if they do have a church affiliation it is Episcopalian.

The Collins famliy also built the world’s fastest nicest ocean going ships during the 1850s, for which they spared no expense. The Collins lost a number of ships to natural sea disasters, and after the financial panic of 1857, the Collins got out of shipping, and directed their attention to coal and iron. They had a home on Madison Avenue, NY. One of the Collins who is clearly descended from the old New England family is the banker Atwood Collins (1851-1926) who graduated from Yale in 1873. One line of Collins that were descended from the old New England family were the father and son who gave their names to several locations in Western US. Fort Collins, Colorado is named after Cal. William Oliver Collins, a descendent of Edward Collins who arrived in Boston from England in 1630. And Casper, Wyoming is named after Col. William O. Collin’s son Casper Collins. Casper Collins died fighting indians, and so this family line died out. Col. William Oliver Collins family were well-to-do Episcopalians. W.O. Collins had originally gone to law school, then became a Senator, and then was made a Colonel by the Secretary of War at the outbreak of the Civil War. Because the U.S. troops in the far west were widely dispersed, the rank of Colonel was a very high rank to hold in the western territories during the Civil War.

Now this article will list a few Collins who I suspect may have been connected to the Illuminati in their time. These are only suspects, but interesting people at that:

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