Page Suggestions: Freemasonry

The Li Bloodline

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Triads and Hong Kong

When the British began ruling Hong Kong, the Hong Kong area already had a reputation for being a haven for pirates, and the Triads established lodges and began secretly to rule. In 1845, the British made membership in the Triads illegal, and in later years deported them back to communist China for those Triad members found. However, the Triads controlled things and the British never were able to enforce that iaw except for some scattered arrests. For instance in the 1970s, 35% of the police in Hong Kong were affiliated with the Triads. In fact, the Britishman Ernest Taffy’ Hunt, the Police Superintendent of the Thad Bureau of the Colony of Hong Kong was paid bribes for 18 years ranging from about $HK700,000 to $HK 12 per year starting in 1955. The Hong Kong papers every so often report police raids against the Triads, but one has to wonder how much is interrivalry between Triad groups and much is just for show, and how much is really something hurting the Triads.

Under Triad control factories in Hong Kong have been turning out items for sex shops worldwide. The living conditions of areas under Triad control in Hong Kong were literal hells on earth. The Triads packed people in, the sanitation was negligible, the filth overwhelming, and the corruption of the human spirit complete. There is no question what kind of life the Triads want to bring people, total degeneration into total moral corruption and filth. Like the Masons (but to a much lesser degree) there have been a few Triad mutual aid societies for their own members, but in general these have been rare. The Triads have exacted extortion money from almost everyone in Hong Kong. The history of their extortions and threats etc. is many books long. In short, the whole trading economy of Hong Kong was under their power. And the Li family as now working with them. See the Li article in this issue. Various scandals over the decades have repeatedly shown that the Triads have totally infiltrated the Hong Kong government and police force. Where ever ethnic chinese were hired the Triads infiltrated. And then even many of the non-Chinese were bought off. People in Hong Kong who have watched the Triads do illegal acts right in public have frequentiy been frustrated by the lack of police response.

The Triads and China

Before the Communists took over, the Triads ran China. For instance, in 1917, it was discovered that the Triads along with the Vice-President of the Republic of China were stealing public funds to purchase opium to deal in the drug trade. The leaders of Free China have been Triad leaders. Many of them have also been Freemasons.

After the Communists took over, the Triads had to go way underground. The communists never stopped the Triads, but they did make them much more secret. You may remember when the Tiananmen Square Massacre occured, the newspapers quietly reported that the Triads had smuggled the leaders of the democratic movement out of Red China. As was just said, the Communists have never broken the power of the Triads. In fact, not only has the brutal Red Chinese government been ineffective against the Triads, most of the police everywhere have been. The Triads are the most powerful criminal fraternal group in the world, except for the Illuminati and the families that make up the Illuminati’s Committee of 300. The Mafia is small peanuts compared to the Triads. The Triads are almost untouchable by any law enforcement group. For instance, in Great Britain the British do not have hardly any ethnic Chinese on their police force to even try infiltrating the Triads.

The Triads have operated in the United States for over 100 years, and are major drug handiers working in cooperation with the Illuminati Kings, and most Americans do not even know they exist. And although America has ethnic chinese, Americans of Chinese descent do not speak the Chinese dialects that undercover agents would have to know to break into the Triad operations.

Different Triad Groups

There are numerous Triad groups. By 1931, there were eight main Triad groups and they had divided Hong Kong up into geographic areas and ethnic groups that each was responsible to control. The eight main ones at that time were the Wo, the rung, the Tung, the Chuen, the Shing, the Fuk Yee Hing, the Yee On, and the Luen. Each had its own headquarters, its own sub-societies, and its own public covers.

The Fuk Yee Hing’s cover was that it was registered as a benevolent society for workers. It had 12 branch offices and a membership of 10,000. Yee On’s cover was as the Yee On Commercial and Industrial Guild. The Wo operated as Death Gratuity associations. Any way each found some cover to hide behind. Most of the Martial Arts dubs were fronts or affiliations with the Triads, and continue to be, not only in Hong Kong, but to some degree in other countries too. As an example of how divided the Triad groups are--one of the large ones, the Wo Society was itself split into three major factions: Wo Shing Tong, Wo Yung Yee, and Wo Hop To, which for years struggled for domination of the Wo Society. By the late 1950s, there were 41 affiliated organaizations to the Wo Society Triad. Today the Wo Shing Wo is the most powerful of the Wo group Triads.

One of the Triad groups that works with the Illuminati is the Sun Yee On aka Yee On Commercial and Industrial Guild. Sun Yee On was the prime controller of the Kowloon Walled City which produced sex toys for the international market. Besides the Wo Shing Wo and the Sun Yee On, the third great Triad societies of modern times is the 14K Society. Probably Chiang Kai-shek and his mentor Big-Eared Tu were responsible for setting up a league to oversee all the various Triad groups called Five Continents Overseas Chinese Hung League. This was set up in 1945, when the Chinese operated in Asia, North America, South America, Europe and Africa. As a side note on Tu, one of his friends was Charlie Soong (an office-bearer for the Triads) who had attended Vanderbilt University at the expense of millionaire Julian S. Can. Chalie Soong’s daughter Al-lag had connections to Sun-Yat-Sen, and also became helpful to the Triads when she married Kung Hsiang-hsi a banker and businessman. The Kung banking empire along with the Soong’s veneer of Christianity which came from their Methodist Church membership helped this branch of Triads in their international dealings.

Today in Hong Kong there may be as many as 60 different Triad Societies operating. The largest numerically is the Sun Yee On with 33,000 members. These 60 Societies can be classed into three different styles. The first is the traditional structure. The second type are those who are totally unstructured. The third type is the most dangerous, they are small, closely knit cells or central committees who plan out criminal activity with acute business-like efficiency.

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