Page updated 18 June 2016
Page Suggestions: Freemasonry
The Rothschild Bloodline
Page 23
"I go to the bank [New Court] every morning and when I say ‘no’ I return home at night without a worry. But when I say ‘yes’ Its like putting your finger Into a machine - the whirring wheels may drag your whole body in after the finger."
New Court was very powerful at this time, for example It controlled the Ruby Mines in Burma, and the banks operations covered most of South America. Brazil was the Rothschild’s "preserve" in South America, as Argentina was the "preserve" of London’s other major banking family - the Barings. While Lord Natty’s two brothers, Alfred and Leo, helped run New Court, Natty was almost totally calling the shots. "Natty stood for finance, Alfred for the arts, Leo for sport." Son of the Queen, the Prince of Whales Albert College, Cambridge. They became good friends and soon the Prince was close friends with most of the British House and others of the Rothschild clan, Including Natty’s brothers, Alfred and Leo. The group of friends became known as "The Marlborough Boys," named after the Prince’s Marlborough House at which they regularly gathered. "The Marlborough Boys" were intent on having fun. The small circle of partiers were living a life where "wit took precedence over etiquette..." The Prince probably had a hand in convincing the Queen to grant Natty peerage. The Rothschilds were suspected, rightfully so, of financing the Prince’s investments and paying off his debts.
The Prince later became King Edward VII of England. As you can see, Rothschild influence extends far and wide. Alfred, Lord Natty’s brother, was an eccentric man. He had a zebra four-in-hand, a pet gont, a private philharmonic which be conducted and a private circus which he would ringmaster. Needless to say, the Baron Alfred was a man with flair. "He loved music, clothes, furniture, paintings, beautiful women and, above all, luxury." He was also involved in business - he worked at New Court and was the first Jewish Director of the Bank of England. The Baron was among those in charge of the last rites over Disraelis’ dead body (Queen Victoria might have had an affair with Disraeli that the Rothschilds covered up). Alfred’s demeanor was like that of a diplomat and was very interested in foreign affairs. He was instrumental in easing the English - German tensions around the turn of the century. It was not to the Rothschilds benefit to have war. Alfred parted with tradition when he gave, in his will, his great wealth to his daughter. His daughter, in turn, used some of that Rothschild money to fund the expedition into Egypt that discovered Tutankhamen’s grave.
Lord Natty’s other brother, Baron Leopold de Rothschild, was not much of a businessman. He much more preferred horse racing and automobiles. He had the reputation of being a kind man. His wife, Maria Perugia, was the sister of Mrs. Arthur Sassoon. The first world war supposedly hurt the British House financially (although it appears their missing riches only went underground), but as always they bounced right back (in the eyes of the public). Thus a new British House of Rothschild began the 20th century, lofty Lord Natty leading the way.
Austrian House, Late 19th and Early 20th Century
Baron Anselm von Rothschild, of the "New Trinity", brought the Austrian House to the close of the 19th century. Anselm lived under the reputation of his father, Salomon, and his uncle, Amschel (with whom he spent a good deal of his time). But be did not necessarily ride their coat tails, he proved his worth, so to speak. His most notable act being the creation Creditanstalt, which destroyed the financial challenger of the Rothschilds, Credit Mobilier. As a young man Anselm was a bit wild and frivolous, so hi. father sent him away to apprentice. Anselm ended up working under his uncle Amschel in the Frankfort bank (which was doomed to future liquidation). Frankfort mellowed hlm, and he lived there for 30 years. When his father died in 1855, Anselm returned to Vienna to take his father’s place. He became a very active businessman. Anselm had influence in the Habsburg court. Baron Anselm’s "name was inscribed in the Golden Book of the capital and in 1861 he had been made a member of the Imperial House of Lords."
He also knew how to incur his wrath. One club in Austria refused him membership because be was a Jew. Baron Anselm simply bought a sewage disposable unit and installed it right next to the club. The smell was horrible. The club then tried to give him a membership card, to mend the problem, but he returned the card doused in perfume and informed them that he would not move his sewage unit. The Rothschilds set off the financial crisis of 1873 in Vienna. S.M. Rothschild und Sohne totally controlled Hungarian finance. And Creditanstalt was the financial powerhouse of the Habsburg realm. Anselm’s children carried on in Vienna after he died in 1874. Anselm’s eldest son Nathaniel was an aristocrat, who was not interested in banking, only fine art and history. Anselm’s second son, Ferdinand, moved to England. Only Baron Albert von Rothschild, Anselm’s youngest son had a business inclination and be was chosen to take over Creditanstalt. Baron Albert and Nathaniel were the two richest men in Austria.
Baron Albert "held controlling interest in innumerable industries ranging from coal to railways; and when, in 1881, he converted the famous six-per-cent Gold Loan to Hungary the bank was recognized as the greatest financial force in the empire."
Albert was afraid of the common people and he built a mansion that was more of a dtadel than a house. Its wails were seven het high, and on top of that sat another eight feet of iron fencing. Anselm’s second son, Baron Ferdinand, was a member of Prince Edward’s "Marlborough Boys." He remained in England, becoming a naturalized citizen. "Ferdy" as he was called was an intellectual socialite. He built an incredibly grandiose mansion named Waddeson Manor; one of the most awesome of all the Rothschild homes. The Manor was so marvelous that the Queen herself paid it a visit. Visitors to its halls ranged from the Empress Frederick to the Shah of Persia. Ferdinand also had a zoo. One of Anselm’s daughters also moved to England - Alice. The unmarried Alice was a very "tyrannical" person. In fact, she even yelled at the Queen when she saw her Inadvertently trampling a flower-bed. The Queen and Alice remained friends, and the Queen nicknamed Alice "The Al Powerful."
"Alice ... reigns absolutely," wrote a cousin. "There is nothing constitutional about this monarchy. No wonder the Queen has named her ‘The Al Powerful’..."
When Ferdinand died Alice received Waddeson Manor. Head of the Austrian House, Albert died in 1911. His son (none of his brothers had any children), Baron Louis became the head of the house. Louis’ brothers, Alphonse and Eugene, were "gentlemen of leisure." Baron Louis and his two brothers both served in the Austrian army during World War I (the war supposedly split the Vienna House from the French and English Houses, I don’t believe this). The Austrian House’s wealth had to go underground during the war. After the war ended the French and English Houses put the Austrian House back "on their feet again." Thus a new Austrian House began the 20th century, powerful Albert and suave Baron Louis leading the way.
The Morgan Connection
George Peabody, a Massachusetts’s trader, set up a banking house - George Peabody and Co. - in London in 1837. He became regarded as a "financial ambassador in London. Carrol Quigley attributes the use of tax-exempt foundations for manipulation of society to Peabody, seen in his Illuminati Peabody Foundation. Daniel Colt Gilman, a member of the Skull and Bones and first President of the Carnegie Institution, was involved in the establishment of the Peabody Foundation. He was in such high regard by the elite that they have erected a statue of him across from the Bank of England. Peabody was getting old and needed a younger partner. Junius Morgan, of Hartford, Connecticut, was recommended to Peabody. In 1854 Junius and his family arrived in London to join George Peabody and Co. When the elite’s concocted American Civil War broke out, Peabody and Junius Morgan raised loans for the North. It appears Junius played both sides of the war. Ralph Epperson claims Junius was one of the Rothschild agents who shipped supplies to the South. When Peabody retired in 1864 Junius took over the business.
The firm was re-named J.S. Morgan and Co. That same year Junius’ son, J.P. Morgan, became a junior partner in the firm. A year later J.P. left for America to represent the firm in the New York. After the end of the Franco-Prussian War, Junius Morgan was called on to help restore the French economy. Around this time his bank was talked of as a rival to the Rothschild’s New Court, but Junius was a Rothschild agent, when he prospered so prospered the Rothschilds and the Illuminati.