Page updated 18 June 2016

Page Suggestions: Freemasonry

The Rothschild Bloodline

Writer: Fritz Springmeier | 199-(?) |

Financial Wizards and Wealthy Cults

You know what the name "Rothschild" means in German? It means "black shield." It means "black shield" of the Knights of Malta...a black shield with a white cross. -Israeli News Live, The Great Whore of Revelation 17-

Two neighbor horse farmers came together one day to talk business. The first farmer sold his horse to the second for a quarter million dollars, and then bought it back for about $20 more. He could now advertise his horse (actually worth $20), as a horse he that he had paid over a quarter of a million dollars for. We can laugh over such schemes. And perhaps we should laugh at ourselves for having been fooled, for if there is one area in life that exceeds the religious in deception, and touches all of us it is the financial. What else can we do about it except laugh? The famous poet Lord Byron describes the archtype of our two farmers in 1823, "Who keeps the world, both old and new, in pain Or pleasure? Who makes politics run glibber all? The shade of Bonaparte’s noble daring? Jew Rothschild and his fellow-Christian, Baring." You’ll learn about some other "neighbor horse traders" in this chapter too.

Rothschild Talks About Their Dynasty

Lord Rothschild in his book The Shadow of a Great Man quotes a letter sent from Davidson on June 24, 1814 to Nathan Rothschild,

"As long as a house is like yours, and as long as you work together with your brothers, not a house in the world will be able to compete with you, to cause you harm or to take advantage of you, for together you can undertake and perform more than any house in the world."[1]

The closeness of the Rothschild brothers is seen in a letter from Saloman (Salmon) Rothschild to his brother Nathan on February 28, 1815, "We are like the mechanism of a watch: each part is essential." [2] This closeness is further seen in that of the 18 marriages made by Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s grandchildren 16 were contracted between first cousins.

Visiting the Nation the Rothschilds Built

The Rothschild Empire - The True Leaders of The Planet Earth

Watch on youtube

In 1974, in the summer after the Yom Kippur War this Author toured Israel, and got the chance to personally visit many of the buildings like the Knesset that the Rothschild’s money has built. The Knesset is the Israeli equivalent to our Congress’s Capitol building. One of the Rothschilds in his will left money for ongoing building projects in Israel, and the Rothschilds are honored with a Street named after them in Jerusalem. The people of Germany and Turkey have been very close. I can recall meeting Turkish "Gastarbeiter" (guestworkers) in Germany. The reader will remember that Turkey fought on Germany’s side in W.W. I. A few powerful Jews, including the Rothschilds were responsible for the wording of the Treaty imposed on Germany that ended W.W.I[3] The treaty gave the Rothschilds the German owned railway rights in Palestine (which had been part of the Turkish Ottoman Empire), thus paving the way for the Rothschilds to have a sure leverage to dictate policy concerning Palestine. The Rothschilds had made loans to Turkey which amounted to almost one hundred million pounds. When the Turkish government collapsed after W.W. I because they were on the losing side, the Rothschilds had a claim on Palestine because of those unpaid Turkish loans.[4] The British government followed the dictates of the Rothschilds. The British were given a mandate over Palestine, and the Rothschilds were able to go through their proxies in the British government, to create the steps that led to the nation of Israel.[5]

The Rothschild As "Prophets"

One item stands out as a person listens to the International Bankers and reads their books. They believe money is what makes the world go round. If you have money, you can do anything. Money is "God", and it is worshipped and served. Even after these families accumulate more than can be spent, these devotees continue selling their souls for this false but powerful god. The great poet-philosopher Heinrich Heine (a Banker’s son) said, "Money is the god of our time, and Rothschild is his prophet." [6] Following the cue of the Rothschilds, Heinrich Heme, a Jew, signed his name by drawing a Seal of Solomon.[7] Amsel Rothschild is reported to have said, "Give me control of the economics of a country; and I care not who makes her laws." [8] Today his descendents meet twice daily in London to dictate to the world what the world price of gold will be. They also dictate what the "Federal Reserve System" will do with America’s finances.

Another God Too

According to eye-witnesses, who were prominent enough to visit one of the British Rothschild homes, the Rothschilds worship yet another god too, Satan. They set a place for him at their table.[8a] The Rothschilds have been Satanists for many generations. The Rothschilds are an important part of the history of the Seal of Solomon (also known as hexagram, Magen David, six-pointed star, Star of David.) The Seal of Solomon, the hexagram, was not considered a Jewish symbol before the Rothschilds began using it.[9] Throughout the Middle Ages the Seal of Solomon had been used by Arab Magicians, Cabalist Magicians, Druid witches and Satanists. One of the few ancient uses of the symbol was on the floor of a 1,200 year old Moslem Mosque found where Tel Aviv is today.[10]


[1]Lord Rothschild. The Shadow of a Great Man. London: 1982, p.6.

[2]Wilson, Derek. Rothschild The Wealth and Power of a Dynasty. NY: Charles Schribner’s Sons, p. 101. Source of quote given in the book.

[3]Armstrong, George. Rothschild Money Trust. CPA reprint of 1940 ed., pp.66-88. Also in this vein read Mullins, Eustice. The World Order. pp. 31-33 and other sources too.

[4]Darms, Anton. The Delusion of British-Israelism. N.Y.: Loizeaux Brothers, pp. 186-187.

[5]Darms, op. cit., plus there are numerous other accounts of how Israel was started with British help, and one has to simply see who did it and their Rothschild connections.

[6]As quoted in Sampson, Anthony. The Money Lenders. Middlesex, Eng.: Penguin Books, Ltd., 1985, p.37.

[7]Encyclopaedia Judaica, p. 696.

[8]Mohr, Gordon. The Hidden Power Behind Freemasonry. Burnsville, MN: Weisman Pub., 1990, p. 154.

[8a]Various high-ranking Satanists that the power of God has pulled out of Satanism have said they were eyewitnesses to Satan appearing at the Rothschilds. What they witnessed when Satan showed up at the Rothschilds was that Satan appeared as an extremely beautiful man, except his hoofs would be cloven. He would wear a black tuxedo to gamble and play cards (winnings were sexual victims) and a white tuxedo when coming only to socialize.

[9]An excellently researched book by a Christian journalist of Jewish ancestry is The Six-Pointed Star by O.J. Graham. New Puritan Library, 1984. This book covers the satanic/magic history of the Seal of Solomon before its modern Jewish use. The book shows how the symbol was not a Jewish symbol until recent times.

[10]Goldberg, M. Hirsch. The Jewish Connection. NY: Stein and Day, 1976, p.197.

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