Page updated 19 December 2018

Page Suggestions: freemasonry

The Van Duyn Bloodline

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Edward Seguin Van Duyn and Planned Parenthood

Edward S. Van Duyn (1872 - 1955) was a prominent surgeon who was born in Syracuse, NY. He went to Princeton Univ. and then got his M.D. at Syracuse University in 1897. From 1909 until 1950, he was a surgeon. During the ghastly W.W. I, be was in the U.S. Army Medical Corps in France, first as a major and then as a Lt. Colonel. Edward S. Van Duyn attended the Unitarian Church during his life - a church which has long been associated with Wicca. He also associated with the liberal Presbyterians. In 1933, he founded the Planned Parenthood Center of Syracuse, New York. Planned Parenthood Federation of America was an Illuminati inspired organization that was set up to accomplish several objectives. The organization’s own stated purpose is very revealing:

"To provide leadership: making effective means of voluntary fertility regulation, including contraception, abortion, sterilization, and infertility services, available and fully accessible to all as a central element of reproductive health; stimulating and sponsoring relevant biomedical, socioeconomic, and demographic research; developing appropriate information, education, and training programs to increase knowledge about human reproduction and sexuality."

Planned Parenthood Federation of America has about 190 affiliated organizations and actively promotes its agenda all over the world. It operates about 900 centers in the U.S. It maintains a 5,000 volume library on abortion, sterilization, and population control. One of its leaders Alan F. Guttmacher signed the Humanist Manifesto, and the president Faye Wattleton was awarded "Humanist of the year" in 1986. Both hate Christians. Margaret Sanger, who advocated neo-Malthusian population controls, with money from her husband and rich backers, started the American Birth Control League (ABCL) in 1921. The ABCL opened up the Birth Control Research Bureau (BCCRB) in 1923. In 1939 the ABCL and another similar group merged to form the Birth Control Federation of America (BCFA) which in 1942 changed its name to Planned Parenthood Federation. Consider the changes that have happened within our lifetimes. In 1957, birth control devices were outlawed in all NY metropolitan hospitals. In 1969, the Federal government was subsidizing abortions and birth control through the federal antipoverty program. In the 1980s, public schools started offering condoms and new types of sex education programs for teenagers. The Schlesinger Library has been actively keeping historical records of the "family planning movement" and David Kennedy wrote the book Birth Control in America: The Career of Margaret Sanger in 1970. Much of what has happened in abortions, birth control research, and population control mechanisms has come as a result of these type of organizations. I was curious - WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE WANT US STERILIZED, OUR BABIES ABORTED, AND THE WORLD’S POPULATION REDUCED? What kind of people are funding the enormous amount of money it takes to get people to abort their babies? What does it cost to get a population to voluntarily neuter themselves? I randomly picked a year (1984) to research the funding for Planned Parenthood and the Planned Parenthood branches. I was astounded at how huge the sums of money that the elite spend in just one year to get us to castrate ourselves and tie our tubes, and abort our babies. I have divided the list of Foundations that donated money to Planned Parenthood in just the single year of 1984 into two categories. The first category are Foundations that I can identify having connections to the Illuminati. The others are all the rest, and I suspect this second group has many that tie back too, I most likely haven’t figured out how.

Illuminati Connected Foundations Donating to Planned Parenthood Federation and Branches - and the amounts donated in 1984:

Vincent ASTOR Foundation - $150,000
Mary Duke BIDDLE Foundation - $5,000
DODGE Foundation - $115,000 (the DuPonts are behind GM)
FORD Foundation - $200,000 (McGeorge Bundy was President of Ford Foundation.)
William Randolph HEARST Foundation - $10,000
(Freemason) Jessee H. Jones’ HOUSTON Endowment - $30,000
Eli LILLY and CO. Foundation - $10,000
LILLY Endowment - $100,000
Andrew W. MELLON Foundation - $970,000
Richard King MELLON Foundation - $55,000
(Jewish Rosicrucian) Fred MEYER Charitable Fund - $10,000
MORGAN Guaranty Trust - $31,000
Jessie Smith NOYES Foundation - $152,400
J.N. PEW Memorial Trust - $730,000
PRUDENTIAL Foundation - $8,000
Kate B. REYNOLDS Charitable Trust - $25,000
Z.S. REYNOLDS Foundation - $30,000
Russeil SAGE Foundation - $5,000
Max STERN Foundation - $20,000
Levi STRAUSS Foundation - $5,000

. . .

Other Foundations Contributing to Planned Parenthood - (Some of these may well also have the Illuminati behind them.)

AHMANSON Foundation - $125,600
Theodore and Beulah BEASLEY Foundation - $100,000
ALLEN-BRADLEY Foundation - $15,000
Worthington BENEDUM Foundation - $15,000
Otto BREMER Foundation - $7,500
Gwendolyn CAFRITZ Foundation - $50,000
Lewis CALDER Foundation - $20,000
CHAMPLIN Foundation - $25,000
CENTRAL N.Y. COMMUNITY Foundation - $125,000
CHARLOTTE Foundation - $6,250
Robert Sterling CLARK Foundation - $200,000
Clark Foundation - $15,000
Olive B. COLE Foundation - $30,000
Commonwealth Fund - $200,500
DOLFINGER-MCMAHON Foundation - $5,000
EDUCATIONAL Foundation of America - $50,000
OP. and W.E. EDWARDS Foundation - $15,000
Samuel S. FELS Fund - $5,000
FIELD Foundation - $40,000
GEBBIE Foundation - $10,945
GENERAL MILLS Foundation - $15,000
Wallace Alexander GERBODE Foundation -. $16,000
Morris GOLDSEKER Foundation - $30,000
George GUND Foundation - $108,096
Walter HAAS Foundation - $7,870
Adah F. HALL Charity Fund - $11,000
Ewing HALSELL Foundation - $25,000
William HEWLETT Foundation - $850,000
Dayton HUDSON Foundation - $10,000
HUMBOLDT Area Foundation - $35,000
JEWETT Foundation (of CALIF) - $12,500 (gave to ID and WA Planned Parenthood)
Walter S. JOHNSON Foundation - $147,506
KALAMAZOO Foundation - $32,656
J.M. Kaplan Fund - $50,000
KECK Foundation - $15,0(X)
Peter Kiewit Foundation - $45,000
KRANNERT Charitable Trust - $150,000
MANSANTO Fund - $5,000
MEDICAL Trust - $600,000
METROPOLITAN Life Foundation - $7,500
MCCUNE Foundation - $10,000
MCGREGOR Foundation - $5,000
MCKNIGHT Foundation - $35,000
MUSKEGON County Community Foundation - $6,000
NEEDMOR Fund - $30,000
Edward John NOBLE Foundation - $80,000
NORTON Co. Foundation - $25,000
PACKARD Foundation - $100,636
PASADENA Foundation - $5,000
PITON Foundation - $80,000
PITTSBURGH Foundation - $55,000
PHILADELPHIA Foundation - $23.000
PUBLIC Welfare Foundation - $30,000
RIPLEY Memorial Foundation - $5,000
SAN FRANCISCO Foundation - $32,209
SANTA BARBARA Foundation - $20,000
Florence and John SCHUMAN - $25,000
William G. SELBY Foundation - $18,700
SKILLMAN Foundation - $30,000
Harry G. STEELE Foundation - $418,950
Eloise and Richard WEBBER Foundation - $20,000
WESTERN Electric Fund - $6,000
Robert WILSON Foundation - $50,000

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