Page Suggestions: people in the last days, spiritual warfare, the jezebel spirit, witchcraft in the church, witchcraft and the occult

Characteristics of the Ahab Spirit

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Anger directed inward
anger directed toward others

Passive people are notorious for directing anger and insults back at themselves. If something goes wrong, they simply blame themselves. They often have major anger issues and will ultimately become passive-aggressive. Aggressive people pour their anger out on anyone who is available. They rarely look at themselves because they are so convinced that they are right. These aggressive personalities are self-appointed figures who think one of their roles is to correct the rest of the world. Sometimes they are sarcastically referred to as "gods in training."

Accepting blame too easily
projecting blame (you made me do it)

Typically, passive people will quickly embrace blame in a situation in order to put everyone else at ease. While this is actually a kind of a false humility, passive people have the goal of making everyone happy again in order to increase their own self-worth. Like Jezebel, aggressive people will take blame for nothing! Even when caught in a wrong, their defense is, "You made me do it." "Yes, I robbed the bank, but it's your fault because you didn't give me enough money ..."

Dealing with the Ahab Spirit

Writer: Jonas Clark |

Ahab carries a provoking spirit. He is contentious, argumentative, depressive and hostile toward God's prophets. Ahab is not weak, but he does have insecurities that allow Jezebel to come in and usurp his authority. He will allow Jezebel to use her seducing, warring abilities to do his dirty work.

Ahab's "Yes Men"

Just like Jeroboam, Ahab will surround himself with those of the lowest of character that are not divinely called into service. These are your classic "yes men" – and women.

There are many with the Ahab spirit in ministry today who don't hesitate to ordain Jezebel (who is not called by God) or her eunuchs into ministry.

Don't Feel Sorry for Ahab

The spirit of Jezebel will wear Ahab down through continued badgering for the purpose of usurping his authority as head of the house.

Don't feel sorry for Ahab because he thinks it's worth it. He tolerates Jezebel because he uses her to fight his personal wars for him.

In a sense, Ahab creates his own monster because he is full of insecurities and will draw on Jezebel's warring strength to fill that place of weakness.

Ahab Compromises...

Jezebel will stir Ahab into a disgusting complacency.

One man told me that he "caught hell" from Jezebel after his grown children from his first marriage came over to visit. Instead of putting his new wife in her place, he would avoid and distance himself from his children just to steer clear of the aftermath of Jezebel.

This is an example of the manifestation of Ahab spirit on the homefront. Jezebel's intimidation persuaded him to compromise his willingness to resist her.

Stirred by Jezebel

Scripture says,
But there was none like unto Ahab, which did sell himself to work wickedness in the sight of the Lord, whom Jezebel his wife stirred up. 1 Kings 21:25

The Jezebel Spirit likes to keep Ahab stirred up. To stir up means to:

Stimulate, Entice, Move, Persuade, Provoke

Clashing with Ahab

Those with the Ahab spirit have an annoying demeanor. They either go out of their way to say something offensive or simply abrade you with their actions.

When you cross paths with the Ahab spirit, and we all have, you feel chided in your inner man.

It's not always so much what they say. It can just as easily be the tone in which they say it or the spirit behind what they say that berates you.

This spiritual clash with the Ahab spirit puts you in a defensive posture. That's because those who carry the Ahab spirit have an attitude problem.

A Spirit of Conflict

A man with an Ahab spirit once entered our office with such strife that it immediately morphed the spiritual climate in the entire building. It was so obvious that even those with little spiritual discernment couldn't help but take notice. You could literally feel the atmosphere tighten up as he made a colossal commotion over an innocent question. It was almost as if he brought a dark ominous cloud with him as he entered through the door. There may have been times when you have experienced something similar. Perhaps you noticed your spirit conflict with someone in the room over something meaningless and you didn't know why.

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