Page updated 22 September 2018

The King James Bible

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NIV Bible Exposed


Keith Rupert Murdoch

Keith Rupert Murdoch, owner of the NIV

Owner of the NIV Bible

Keith Rupert Murdoch
Born: March 11, 1931
Birthplace: Melbourne, Australia
Executive summary: Founder and CEO of News Corp

Born in Australia, raised in England, now an American citizen, Rupert Murdoch is the founder of News Corporation, named for his first newspaper, Australia's Adelaide News. With subsequent expansion to Europe and America, Murdoch's News Corp is the parent company of an interlocking media empire that includes television, movies, cable networks, book publishing, satellite TV, magazines and newspapers operating in the United States, Australia, Europe, Latin America, Asia and the Pacific Basin. Beyond his hundreds of newspapers, Murdoch's best known brands include 20th Century Fox, Fox Television, DirecTV, Harper Collins, and MySpace.

...there are more than 100 errors within the NIV from whole scriptures being taken out, words being taken out, and many more. The NAB - New American Bible (Roman Catholic Church) and NWT - New world Translation (Jehovah's Witnesses) is in agreement with the NIV Bible. Please read from the 1611 KJV Bible only. The owner of the NIV [Keith Rupert Murdoch] owns a porn company as well.

The NIV, New International Translation is straight out of the pits of Hell. The man appointed to be the Chairman of the Old Testament Committee of the NIV Committee on Bible Translation, Dr. Marten Woudstra, was a homosexual. Also, Virginia Mollenkott, who worked as the stylistic editor for the translation, is a lesbian. Some of Dr. Woudsta's collaborators on the NIV knew about this years ago during the translation process. If this is not convincing enough that the NIV is straight from Hell, then consider this--The parent company (Harper Collins) who publishes the NIV, also publishes The Joy of Gay Sex, and The Satanic Bible ( It doesn't take a whole lot of common sense to figure this out folks. The NIV is evil and corrupt.

The following quote was ascribed to Dr. Woudstra, Chairman of the NIV Old Testament Committee:

"There is nothing in the Old Testament that corresponds to homosexuality as we understand it today."

Dr. Virginia Mollenkott, a literary critic on the NIV translation is an open homosexual. In the Episcopal magazine, Witness (June 1991, pp. 20-23), she admits,

"My homosexuality has always been a part of me."

Is it any wonder why the word "sodomite" is not in the NIV?

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