Page updated 20 Nov 2015

Page Suggestions: false religions, salvation, spiritual warfare, Who is Jesus, witchcraft and the occult

Prayer to Renounce Rejection


[Best said aloud]

REJECTION is God's REDIRECTION for my protection. I'm forgiven! I'm redeemed! I'm equipped!

Lord I command the spirit of rejection, when people rejected me, my friends rejected me or my parents or my family rejected me, to COME OUT of me NOW in the Name of Jesus.

I command the spirit of rejection and self-rejection to come all the way out of me and LEAVE ME NOW never to return in the Name of Jesus Christ.

I receive acceptance from you Lord, you are my Father and I know you love me. I command out of me every demon that attacks my physical body. I command the spirits that attack my physical body to LEAVE ME NOW and never return in the Name of Jesus Christ.

I break the power of this illness, disorder, infirmity, in the Name of Jesus Christ and I apply the blood of Jesus to it and I command the spirits of these things to LEAVE ME NOW [name these things] in the Name of Jesus.

Infirmities of every sort come out in the Name of Jesus Christ. Thank you Lord!

I BREAK the power of any demon that is causing problems in my life and all their kindred spirits and command them to LEAVE ME NOW.

I forgive everyone that offended me and ask you please to bless them and save them.

[This doesn’t imply you have not been hurt, you may have been very hurt, and what happened may have been very wrong, but it means that you personally forgive them.]

I command out of me every spirit that tortures me and command that they DROP AWAY from me now. Every demon that was assigned to my unforgiveness, I command them to LEAVE ME NOW in Jesus’ Name and never to return.

I command every spirit that is not the spirit of God to leave me now in Jesus’ name. Resentment, bitterness, hatred leave me now. I command out of me every spirit of loneliness, all spirits of depression, despair, despondency, shame, defeat, hopelessness, death and suicide, heaviness, gloom, disgust, suicide and death, LEAVE ME NOW in the Name of Jesus.

I command out of me in the Name of Jesus every spirit that has caused me to dry up in the things of God, every spirit that has occupied me when I ought to be occupying the land.

I command every spirit that tormented me to LEAVE ME NOW in Jesus’ Name and I BREAK their power in the Name of Jesus. I command every spirit of mental disorder, confusion, forgetfulness, mind-binding, mind control, bipolar, double-mindedness, schizophrenia, senility, mental instability, madness, fear of people, fear of germs, paranoia, hallucinations of the mind, all evil spirits of the mind, dread, anxiety, phobias, compulsive and persistent fear to come out of me, all the way out of me, and leave me now in the Name of Jesus Christ.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

[Take a deep breath and cough out as spirits come out on the breath, through the mouth and through coughing, etc.]

Ask God for His Holy Spirit to fill you in the Name of Jesus.

It is important to be able to ‘walk out’ or hold any deliverance that you receive. Read the parable of the "Return of the Unclean Spirit" (Matthew 12:44Bible quoteThen he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth [it] empty, swept, and garnished.Matthew 12 verse 44).

Deliverance Prayer to Forgive those who have hurt or done you wrong.

Lord, I have another confession to make. I have not loved but have resented certain people. I confess this as sin. I call upon You, Lord, to help me forgive them. I do now forgive ... (Here we pause for several minutes while you put in the names of friends, neighbors, associates, Christians, non-Christians, God, government which the Lord brings to mind, of persons living or dead who have hurt or disappointed you). Lord, I have forgiven them. I do let them go, in Jesus' name.

I do now forgive myself, also, in Jesus' name.

How do I pray model prayers