Page Suggestions: Deliverance Prayers, Demons

Exposing Witchcraft: Discerning How Witchcraft Spirits Attack

Writer: Jonas Clark |

The spirit of witchcraft is a master at diverting attention away from itself by turning it toward you. Witchcraft separates and isolates its victims from friends and family. One who is being spiritually influenced feels the loss of personal identity and self-esteem. Depression and fatigue quickly follow as the super spiritual controller gives abnormal attention to those it desires to manipulate.

Let's look at these witchcraft attacks more closely.


Fatigue is a much-used weapon of witchcraft. Witchcraft drains the life (energy) right out of you. When attacked, you feel tired, depressed, oppressed and fatigued. You can take vitamins, exercise, run five miles and it still doesn't help. Have you noticed how many people go to work tired all the time? They have three cups of coffee in the morning just to begin work. Could some of them be suffering from a witchcraft assignment? Others feel sad, sleep all the time and feel trapped in depression and can't get out. What I used to think was simply stress-related I now strongly suspect to be the indication of demonic assignments. There have been times, for example, when I was feeling extremely stressed, boarded a plane, left the city and felt the fatigue lift. I am not ruling out the effects of stress, but if you know the fatigue is not medical - or stress-related, could it be witchcraft's assignments? There have been other times when I have been well rested, in superb health, the bills are all paid, everything is good, but I find myself weary. There are other times, after preaching certain subjects like "Exposing Spiritual Witchcraft," "Jezebel Seducing Goddess Of War," "Ahab The Provoker," "Religious Spirits" or "Beware The Charismatic Merchandisers," I fight against spiritual retaliations. Such demonic assignments should never stop you from following the leading of the Holy Spirit to minister a certain topic.

Review these questions to help you identify if witchcraft has been released at you through the methods we just discussed.

Time Consumers

Here's a subtle weapon of witchcraft - the time thief. What these witchcraft controllers do is spend abnormal amounts of time with their victims:

Witchcraft will go out of the way to control and waste your time. It's not a natural thing; it's a spiritual thing. Scripture says,

Withdraw thy foot from thy neighbor's house; lest he be weary of thee, and so hate thee. Proverbs 25:17

In the church, we can see the spirit of witchcraft operating through the person who wants to hold a deep spiritual conversation with the pastor right before he approaches the pulpit to speak.

Jezebel spirits, witchcraft spirits and religious spirits have sabotaged the purposes of many. You can't let them go unchallenged anymore. It's time to get the victory. I want to show you how to overcome them quickly and make a difference with your life. Gain spiritual discernment and overcome every weapon formed against you. Get Equipped Today

Review these questions to help you identify if witchcraft has been released at you through the methods we just discussed.

Diverting Attention

Witchcraft is a master at diverting attention away from itself by turning it toward you. It makes others think that you are the one with the problem. People operating in witchcraft are masters at taking the focus off of them whenever they are about to be discovered. They shift the blame rather than taking the responsibility for their wrongs.

page 2 Spiritual Warfare