Page Suggestions: Deliverance Prayers, Demons

6 Doorways and Causes of Family Curses

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Eunuchs are the spiritual children of Jezebel, oftentimes referring to her as their spiritual mother. Once I gave a ministry assignment to a young man whom I was mentoring in ministry. He told me that he needed permission from his spiritual mother (someone in another city) before he could do what I asked. In a separate incident, a woman told me she had to check with an apostle (of another church) for permission to do what I asked her, even though she was no longer a member of that church. I recognized both of these people as Jezebel’s eunuchs and removed them from any leadership training. When you are part of a local church, that set-man is your leader, if not then you need to leave. The Holy Spirit is saying it’s time to bury that cursed spirit of Jezebel.

6. The arrogant and proud.

Thou hast rebuked the proud that are cursed, which do err from thy commandments. Psalms 119:21

Not everyone that starts out with Christ ends the race with Christ. Some err and lose their way. There are many arrogant secular humanists in this world for example that refuse to acknowledge the lordship of Christ. Some of these were once leaders of Christian churches, others not. Just like Pharaoh they say in their hearts, "Who is the Lord that I should obey his voice?" (Exodus 5:2Bible quoteAnd Pharaoh said, Who [is] the LORD, that I should obey his voice to let Israel go? I know not the LORD, neither will I let Israel goExodus 5 verse 2)

The arrogant and proud think more highly of themselves than they should. They feel themselves greater and above others. They are uppity and puffed up. These are the Utopians that find salvation in intellectual enlightenment and endowed to build the perfect world outside of Christ’s rule. It was Sir Thomas More that first coined the term "Utopian society" in 1516. His book Utopia was based largely on "Plato’s Republic." In the essay More describes a fictional island community in the Atlantic Ocean. It was a perfect version of society where all evils such as poverty, misery and social injustice were banished. This is nothing more than a fairy tale. Scripture is clear, "Every perfect gift comes down from above" (James 1:17Bible quoteEvery good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.James 1 verse 17). There can be no Utopian society built by man without the Prince of Peace.

A Brother from Bangalore wrote that deliverance from all curses is available. I agree.

"Some of God’s people tolerate curses instead of exposing them. The Bereans searched the Scriptures daily for understanding and truth to protect themselves from deception. People reproduce after their own kind, the unrepentant produce after the First Adam spiritual death, deception, and independence from God. Others reproduce after the Second Adam, abundant life and good works through dependence on Christ and the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Deliverance from all curses and their consequences is available through Christ’s work on Calvary through true repentance and renouncement of sin."

These six curses hit their targets because of sin. They can be broken through godly sorrow, repentance, and faithful application of the blood of Jesus on your heart.


Jonas Clark is first a Christian. He has authored over 29 books, written hundreds of articles and recorded thousands of audios. Jonas Clark Ministries is an international organization reaching the world with the exciting gospel of Jesus Christ. Jonas is founder of Spirit of Life Ministries church, Hallandale Beach, Florida, the Apostolic Equipping Institute, publisher of The Voice magazine, president of the Global Cause Network and has preached in over 26 nations. He believes that all God's people are gifted to establish and advance Christ's Kingdom on earth. He is an advocate of private property, an unhampered market economy, the rule of law, constitutional guarantees of freedom of religion and of the press, and international peace based on free trade.

page 1 Spiritual Warfare