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Suit: ‘Cover-ups of sexual and criminal scandals’ at TBN

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Trinity Christian Center is a nonprofit in the eyes of Uncle Sam, which means it doesn’t pay taxes on its income. It reported revenue of $175.6 million, expenses of $193.7 million, and net assets of $827.6 million at the end of 2010, according to its tax returns. Its highest-paid officer was Paul Crouch, with compensation of $400,000.

Koper (right - photo not pictured on this site), the Crouch granddaughter, has filed reports regarding all this with the Orange County District Attorney’s office, the police, and the California State Bar detailing her accusations, her attorney, MacLeod, has said. She is submitting a report to the Internal Revenue Service as well.

This is not the last of it, either.

"This is the second of FOUR LAWSUITS that we have now been retained to file by individuals who continue to come forward in connection with the alleged public policy violations at TBN," MacLeod told us by email. "There is much more to be said on these important issues, and we look forward to getting each of these cases on file on behalf of our clients."

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