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Prophet Prophesies at Psychic New Age Fair

Writer: Marty Layton | June 2007 |

How one prophet of God used his gift to reach the hearts of the spiritually lost in the midst of Satan’s stronghold.

Prophetic magazine - Prophetic Articles Magazine - Prophetic Seer[1] "You want me to do what?" This was my first reaction to a request to prophesy to the lost at the "New Age Fair" in Nashville.

After settling my inhibitions enough to ask the Lord what He would have me do, I sensed a strong compassion of the Lord to go. I knew exactly what I was being asked to do, as I had seen the huge multi-colored double billboards for the fair while driving Highways 24 and 40. Because I knew the Lord was in it, what once bothered me now became an opportunity for His Kingdom to be manifest somewhere unique.

When i arrived at the fair, I was given a badge with my name and pointed towards the area of the large building where the "Psychics and Palm Readers" were set up for $25 readings. There in the midst of them was James Goll’s "God Encounters" table.

We put up a handwritten sign that said "Free Spiritual Readings!" Within moments the line grew – mostly populated by those leaving the $25 readings.

After the first person filled out our questionnaire (designed for prayer and follow-up), my first free spiritual reading was underway. I clearly explained that I was a prophet of the Lord Jesus Christ and not a psychic and asked if they were still willing. Much to my surprise, the answer was yes! So I began to pray, take the authority and anointing Jesus had given me, and use the gifts of the Holy Spirit to reach the lost.

As I prophesied over one after another, I was amazed at their receptivity and responses. I was reminded of the Scripture in 1 Corinthians 14:24-25 (NKJV)Bible quote(verse 24) But if all prophesy, and there come in one that believeth not, or [one] unlearned, he is convinced of all, he is judged of all:

(verse 25) And thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest; and so falling down on [his] face he will worship God, and report that God is in you of a truth.1 Corinthians 14 (KJV) verses 24-25

If all prophesy, and an unbeliever or an uninformed person comes in...thus the secrets of his heart are revealed; and so, falling down on his face, he will worship God and report that God is truly among you.

One Asian woman sat down very stoic and expressionless. I asked by word of knowledge if she had problems with her left eye. She replied, "yes," slightly startled. We prayed and I commanded healing to her eye in Jesus’ name. She then exclaimed, "I can see!" I released the word of the Lord, and asked, "Is your left shoulder hurting?" She was a little more eager this time as she replied, "Yes!" I said, "The same Lord Jesus Christ who healed your eye can not only heal your shoulder, He can save you. Do you want to receive him as the Lord of your life?" This time she replied, "Yes!" I proceeded to lead her in a salvation prayer, and when we finished she said, "I can move my arm. My shoulder is healed!"

Two men in my line, who were clearly into Satanism, made it to the table. I asked which one wanted to be next. The senior man said, "Do me!" I proceeded to pray, "In the name of Jesus..." and prophesy. The Lord spoke of how his father had abused him, and because his father was a man of influence, when the then young boy went to the minister at church about the problem, he was disregarded. This was the turning point that made his decision to look at Satanism. I continued, saying, "Jesus Christ was there with you at that time and He’s here today ready to heal what no one has been able to. Would you like to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord, renouncing Satan and having no other gods before Him?" With streams of tears running down his face he said, "Yes!" The younger man with him said, "Me too!" First Corinthians 12:3Bible quoteWherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and [that] no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.1 Corinthians 12 (KJV) verse 3 says no man can say Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit! We prayed and then I prophesied over the younger man, who later took off his pentagram necklace as he was further delivered of demonic strongholds.

Prophet of God Prophesies at Psychic New Age Fair

Then an African witch doctor sat down with his son, daughter-in-law and grandson. He was wearing bones, symbols and animal jewelry. He told me he was a reincarnated jaguar. I told him who I represented, closed my eyes and prophesied. The Lord spoke of how his grandfather had forced him into this lifestyle, and that he had prayed for a way to escape the demon that held him captive all these years. I opened my eyes and said, "Jesus Christ brought you here to set you free!" I asked if he wanted to receive Jesus and opened my eyes. He was crying saying, "Me and my family!" God supernaturally delivered the family as the very light of God began to shine from their faces.

Jesus said in Luke 10:2 (NKJV)Bible quoteTherefore said he unto them, The harvest truly [is] great, but the labourers [are] few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.Luke 10 (KJV) verse 2,

The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.

Originally I thought prophesying at the psychic fair would be difficult, but it was actually easier than ministering to believers. Through the droning sound of sitar music and the smell of burning incense, many decisions were made for Christ that Saturday. Lives were rescued and changed for all eternity.

Don’t just pray; show up and let God use you to reap the harvest. Signs, wonders and miracles will follow him who believes! The Book of James Chapter 2Bible quoteEven so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.James 2 (KJV) verse 17 says, "Faith without works is dead." Ask yourself this, "If Jesus were to walk into my town, where would He go?"

Marty Layton and his wife Tracy are ordained as prophets with Christian International Ministries and are the senior ministers at Victory In Praise Family Church located in Nashville, Tennessee, where they reside with their three children.

POR Admin Comments

NOTE: The 'revivalinpower' website listed in the above article is more Elijah List gurus associated with Sid Roth who also committed himself to the compromises of the illuminati along with TBN. The new one world's all about LYING miracles, healings, signs and wonders. Where everyone is a little 'god' and can have whatever they want. -Admin-

[1] describes a seer as

• a person who sees; observer.

• a person who prophesies future events; prophet: Industry seers predicted higher profits.

• a person endowed with profound moral and spiritual insight or knowledge; a wise person or sage who possesses intuitive powers.

a person who is reputed to have special powers of divination, as a crystal gazer or palmist.


• oracle, soothsayer, augur.

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