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Comments about Steve Galiher
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Pastor Steve Galiher finally got busted! He has been living a double life for many years as a drunk and a secret bi-sexual. -Former TBN Employee, January 16, 2010, (Source:
He lived in Nashville a few years back [7]This must be a typo! worked (boozed) with Steve Galiher on a regular basis. They were both seen drunk in public many times. The heat got to be too much for Oliver and he bolted to Texas where he now has his own "church".
Funny, his church is designed to look just like the night clubs he loves to hang out in. Dark, dingy and special effect lighting...just like a freakin' disco. This guy is a total wolf in sheep's clothing.
It's a wonder he hasn't gotten busted...he will. Galiher just had some badwould! -TG1 May 14, 2010, (Source:
I am sooo thankful that Steve has escaped the legal system and can now get back to ministry! -Ron Tolson, Apr 28, 2010, (Source:
Ron Tolson- I hope to goodness that you are only joking. It would be a very poor joke at that. -POR Admin-
Pastor Steve Galiher is also a bi-sexual that has lived a double life for many years! -Name Withheld, January 28, 2010, (Source: