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TBN extravagance? Read internal memos for yourself

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2. Double billing TBN for some of these personal expenses.

3. The transfer of as much as $50 million over the course of a decade to the Crouch family.

4. The use of TBN's two jets for personal use.

5. Matthew Crouch's for-profit film production company received millions from TBN with little to show for it but an extravagant lifestyle lived by Crouch and his family.

6. Numerous threats made to Koper and her husband for her whistleblowing activities.

7. A report from TBN's external accountant detailing how the ministry and its leadership were at risk from IRS fines including this conclusion:

Areas with the greatest exposure include:

– Unreasonable Compensation

– Personal Use of the Organization's Assets

– Use of the church's credit card for personal expenses

– Excessive Spending"

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