Page Suggestions: false doctrines, False prophets, False teachers, Wolves in Sheep's Clothing
False Teachers Marcus and Joni Lamb
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"Dr. Murdock , I need to have all the Daystar staff that aren’t just doing something critically important to go and get on the phones. Cause all the phones are jammed. We want to be able to accommodate the people. This is a special move of God. And while the anointing here is so strong we want the people to get in on this. $1,000 is not going to change the destiny of Daystar. But, $1,000 could change your destiny! It could change your life, your family, your future, your business, your ministry. And I don’t want to see you miss out on this. Because I know that several times when Joni and I personally have given from this level what has happened. God has just supernaturally blessed…We’re going to send you Dr. Murdock’s book. Reading the book will be a continual blessing." -Marcus Lamb, Daystar Fall Share-A-Thon, September 14, 2004-
Jesse Duplantis: "People told me, ‘Well, they say, Jesus was poor.’ When was He poor? I would like to know when He was poor. Well, He was born in a stable. Why? Why was He born in a stable? Because that short, deaf lady lost their reservation. He couldn’t get into the inn. Think about that for a minute…And He had 12 full time people on His staff. Some were married and He took care of them. He had 70 part timers. You don’t gamble for rags Marcus [Lamb]."
Marcus Lamb: "Yeah."
Jesse Duplantis: "You don’t gamble for rags. You gamble for some clothes that cost. Don’t you? He wanted a donkey that had never been rode. As I said earlier, ‘You might want a car that has never been drove.’"
Marcus Lamb: "He had a full time treasurer on staff."
Jesse Duplantis: "That’s right! And stole for three years and the other guys didn’t know about it."
Joni Lamb: "And wise men came to see Him."
Jesse Duplantis: "That’s right! I mean He wasn’t three minutes on the ground and the three wise guys are looking for Him with what? Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh. Let me tell you something, this concept that Jesus was in poverty is totally wrong!" -Jesse Duplantis, Marcus Lamb, and Joni Lamb, Daystar Fall, Share-A-Thon, September 15, 2004-
Joni Lamb: "You know, Daystar is a network that believes in miracles and, uh, some time ago we had to remove a program because, um, we had a programmer who was teaching that miracles were not for today."
Darlene Bishop: "Oh, my Lord!"
Joni Lamb: "And that they…"
Marcus Lamb: "That they ceased with the days of the apostles."
Joni Lamb: "That they ceased with the days of the apostles. And so, you know we contacted this ministry and said, ‘That this doesn’t line up with what Daystar believes."
Darlene Bishop: "Thank God!" -Joni Lamb, Darlene Bishop, Marcus Lamb, Daystar Spring Share-A-Thon March 7, 2005-
But Daystar are fine with supporting T D Jakes and Tommy Tenney who believe in the damnable oneness heresy denying the trinity.
Larry Huch: "Jesus wasn’t poor! Jesus wasn’t poor! Never was poor! ‘No, He was born in a manger.’ Yeah, He may have been born in a manger but before they went to the manger Mary and Joseph went to the Hilton to get a room! And either Mary and Joseph were going to before dawn sneak out the window and steal all the soap all the shampoo and all the towels or they had money to go to the inn and pay for the inn…When Jesus was walking with His disciples the Bible said, ‘There were 5,000 men plus women and children.’ So, let’s say 15,000, right? 5,000 men, 5,000 women [unintelligible]. And the disciples came to Jesus and they said, ‘They’re hungry.’ And Jesus said, ‘You feed them.’ What did they say? ‘Should we go and buy?’ In other words, Jesus had enough money on Him to buy lunch for 5,000 families that were hungry and hadn’t eaten all day long! No credit card. Cash!"
Marcus Lamb: "Plus, He had a treasurer as a part of His ministry. Why would He have a full time treasurer if He didn’t have any money?"
Larry Huch: "…Plus Judas has been stealing out of the bag. You know, and I tell the churches all this to break that curse of poverty, ‘If there was only a buck fifty [$1.50] in the bag,’ Okay, you’re the treasurer with the buck fifty. If Judas stole the quarter when they went to get bread, ‘Hey! where’s the quarter?’ No! There was more than enough in there that Judas was stealing from Jesus, he had to be able to steal thinking nobody would notice it."
Joni Lamb: "What about the robe that they cast lots for?"
Larry Huch: "Seamless! It was not K-Mart clothes! It was designer!…You’re thinking about Jesus being a wealthy person…Jesus could bring a gold coin out of a fishes mouth!" -Larry Huch, Marcus and Joni Lamb, Daystar Spring Share-A-Thon, March 9, 2005-
Larry Huch: "If you’re pregnant you need to call in and break every family curse off your baby before it’s ever born!"
Marcus Lamb: "Yes! That’s good!" Larry Huch and Marcus Lamb, Daystar Spring Share-A-Thon, March 9, 2005
Note: You do not need Mr. Religious to pray for you or your baby. YOU have a direct line to Jesus Christ yourself. YOU can pray at home. You and your family should be praying together in the first place. -POR Admin-
Bill Winston: "We can sow a seed for our children’s tuition."
Marcus Lamb: "Yes!"
Bill Winston: "We can sow a seed for a marriage to come back together. We can sow a seed for a loved one to come into the Kingdom of God. There’s so many things right now that we can sow a seed for."
Marcus Lamb: "Oh, Yes!"
Bill Winston: "And I have a feeling that God is putting it on peoples hearts right now. This debt cancellation is on me right now for some people to get out of debt." -Bill Winston and Marcus Lamb, Daystar Spring Share-A-Thon, March 11, 2005-
Bill Winston: "That’s why God has given us this privilege of sowing a seed."
Marcus Lamb: "Yesss!"
Bill Winston: "So that we can come out of financial captivity!"
Marcus Lamb: "That’s right!"
Bill Winston: "And people are in captivity right now financially and God has put a system in place called ‘Sowing and Reaping" so that we can get out."
Marcus Lamb: "Well, I want you to go to the phone, and I want you to call." -Bill Winston and Marcus Lamb, Daystar Spring Share-A-Thon, March 11, 2005-
"I believe that there is a 100 fold anointing in God’s Word. I believe it’s on Jesse Duplantis’ life. And I believe that anointing is in here in the studio today…If you’d like to get your pledge in and for us to agree with you for the 100 fold anointing to come in on your life. Whether it’s in health, finances, relationships…" -Marcus Lamb, Daystar Fall, Share-A-Thon, September 15, 2004-