Page Suggestions: false doctrines, False prophets, False teachers, Wolves in Sheep's Clothing
False Teachers Marcus and Joni Lamb
Founders of an apostate religious network called Daystar. Much like Trinity Broadcasting Network where they promote the prosperity gospel.
Marcus and Joni Lamb of the Daystar TV Network Pimp their own children, teaching them how to scam people for offerings. -Susan Puzio, Blogtalk Radio-
Facing Blackmail, Televangelist Admits Affair
Watch on youtube
Marcus and Joni Lamb talking about his affair in this video is truly fake. I would not be surprised if they both live separate lives in separate homes just like the Crouch family does. Anyone who is dumb enough to fall for all this baloney needs to have their head examined.
The following are excerpts from Marcus and Joni Lamb, and their guests on the Daystar Network's Share-A-Thon's.
Marcus Lamb: "There are at least 5 people, business’ or ministries that need to sow that $10,000 seed. That $10,000 seed is a supernatural seed! And there’s attached to it some kind of supernatural provision!"
Bill Winston: "A miracle. Mm, Hm." -Bill Winston and Marcus Lamb, Daystar Spring Share-A-Thon, March 11, 2005-
"And God is saying, ‘Move today.’ It could be that you need a new house! It could be that you need a better car! It could be that you need a promotion on the job…It could be that you’ve been praying for that son to get saved…You’ve been praying that God would restore your marriage…I say to you today, ‘Don’t just throw your seed. Sow your seed!’ There is a difference. You can call up today and make a pledge and that’s great! And I say, ‘God bless you.’ But if you don’t have an intended purpose for that seed then all you did is throw that seed instead of sow that seed." -Marcus Lamb, Daystar Spring Share-A-Thon, March 11, 2005-
"But today there are at least 70 of you listening to me and you need a miracle! You need a breakthrough! You need an answer to prayer! You need to know the will of God for your life. You need God to do something for your business. Or you need God to do something amongst your children or in your marriage. I don’t know which one of those things that is for you, but I just know that one of those areas is what is going to click in your heart and you’re going to know that’s what you’re tying your faith to. That’s what you’re going to be targeting your gift [$1,000] for." -Marcus Lamb, Daystar Spring Share-A-Thon, March 7, 2005-
"Mike, [Mike Murdock] I, I, really sense the Lord saying to me that, ‘There are churches, there are ministers and there are business people that this $8,500 seed is going to connect you to a million dollar plus decision. A million dollar plus opportunity." -Marcus Lamb, Daystar Spring Share-A-Thon, February 28, 2005-
Marcus Lamb: "If you’re one of those three people that the Lord spoke through me moments ago about a million dollar gift. Whether you’re that professional athlete, whether you’re that successful businessman or whether you’re that woman that has been blessed. You do what the Lord is telling you to do. Because, when God speaks about a significant seed, He has a significant miracle on His mind."
Jaunita Bynum: "Yes!"
Marcus Lamb: "God doesn’t play games! And that’s serious business when you start talking about levels like that."
Jaunita Bynum: "That’s Right!"
Marcus Lamb: "That’s because God has a significant miracle on His mind -Marcus Lamb, Daystar Fall Share-A-Thon, September 21, 2004-
"Well, the Glory of God is here! Now it’s time to get up and go to the phone and target your need with your giving! And God will honor it." -Marcus Lamb, Daystar Fall Share-A-Thon, September 23, 2004-
"That’s what God brought alive in my spirit. He said, ‘Son, ask for 70 people, at least 70 people that in the next 30 minutes will pledge $1,000 towards the worldwide outreach of Daystar…I believe that God is saying that the same thing that He did with the 70 in Luke chapter 10
[Luke 10:17And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name.Luke 10 verse 17] that He’s going to do for you!" -Marcus Lamb, Daystar Spring Share-A-Thon, March 7, 2005-
"There’s at least a special group of 70 people watching this very moment that the Lord is going to stir up in your heart. And He’s going to say, ‘Be one of the 70. Become one of the 70 and the same blessing that I placed on the 70 in the New Testament,’ the Lord is saying, ‘I’m going to place upon you.’ You may not have given $1,000 before, or you may have done it several times. But, if the Lord is placing this upon your heart, then you need to go to the phone and say, ‘I’m going to be one of the 70!’" -Marcus Lamb, Daystar Spring Share-A-Thon, March 7, 2005-
So we now see that Marcus Lamb is saying if you give $1,000 to Daystar that you will have the same anointing as the 70 - but you have to purchase it, if you don't pay you don't get...........UTTER BLASPHEMY
"And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name. And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you," Luke 10:17-19."Women are more sensitive to the Holy Spirit without question!" -Marcus Lamb, Daystar Spring Share-A-Thon, March 7, 2005-
"I want us to put up the address on the screen. As I say so often to you, ‘The sooner you get your seed into the ground, the sooner your harvest will come." -Marcus Lamb, Daystar Fall Share-A-Thon, September 23, 2004-
"I can tell you this for many people who have never done it. It’s a different level of faith. It may seem like something beyond what you are able to do. That’s when you know it’s God. Because, it’s not something that you can just do naturally. It’s not something that you would do in the flesh. It’s not something that you would do of your own accord. It’s a God thing. It’s bigger than you are. That’s why God tests you by going to a level like this. He’s wanting to see if He can trust you. Can He, He’s wanting to see if you can recognize His voice. Can you act uhh, on faith upon what He says? And when you do, God can see that He can trust you with a $1,000 gift then He can see that He’s going to be able to intrust you with so much more. But if He can’t trust you to give $1,000, how can He trust you to receive $100,000 or $250,000. It’s a trust thing. It’s a test." -Marcus Lamb, Daystar Fall Share-A-Thon, September 14, 2004-