Page Suggestions: Characteristics of Cults, False Teachers, False Prophets, True Prophets, Witchcraft and the Occult
Characteristics of False Shepherds, Teachers and Prophets
According to Scripture
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Ten Ways To Spot False Ministers or Prophets
Benny Hinn, being an apostate preacher himself, has been quoted giving the following list of "Ten ways to spot false ministers or prophets" on his weekly television show. The following list is true but how hypocritical that the wolves speak these things as they fool and deceive the public with their Christian acts.
- Hide things or do things in secret. (They don't reveal their salaries)
- Handle the word of God deceitfully to build themselves up.(They don't raise money for souls)
- Look on outward appearance not the heart
- They commend or promote themselves
- They are always competing with others
- They are greedy for income for themselves
- They seek a higher position for themselves like Korah (Numbers 16)
- They pose as righteous ministers
- They seek personal glory
- They are boastful and self exalting