interested in Heavy Metal music, martial arts and mind control
Engels, Georges
Setian 1°
practices Black Magic
Evans, Larry
Priest of Set 3°
Sentinel of the Gates of Hell Pylon
Farnsler, William E.
Adept 2°
Felczak, John J.
Adept 2°
has studied a wide variety of occult systems
Ferguson, Rick A.
Setian 1°
Flowers, Nancy K.
Magistra Templi 4°
Editor of the Scroll of Set, part of the Bull of Ombos Pylon in Austin, TX
Flowers, Dr. Stephen E.
Magister Templi 4°
Grand Master of Order of the Trapezoid, expert of Runes and Germanic occultism
Fox, D. Pete
Setian 1°
interested in Nazism’s occultism
Friedel. Peter
Priest of Set 3°
West Germany
member of the Ordo Saturni (holds a high degree), 30° in the Scottish Rite, member of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge of London, generational satanist of the Illuminati, promotes Satanism’s growth in Europe.
Gallo. Walter J.
Setian 1°
New York
former painter; interested in Crowley and Nazism
Gibbs, Cynthia K.
Setian 1°
Goff, Joseph A.
Adept 2°
Grady, James S.
Gregoire, Raymond A.
Priest of Set 3°
Washington (state)
Grisé, Kevin M.
Setian 1°
hypno therapist and rehab counselor
Guliaeff, Nickolai N, Jr.
Adept 2°
Gyori, John G, Jr.
Adept 2°
Hand, Eddie W.
Setian 1°
Hardee, Bryan C.
Setian 1°
was part of a guild of magicians called the G.T.P
Hardy, Patty A.
Priestess of Set 3°
likes to read Robert Anton Wilson
Haywood, Michael T.
Setian 1°
(now perhaps in Pittsburg PA)
Hearty, Marie L.
Setian 1°
Ontario, Canada
Hinson, Eulit M.
Adept 2°
Black Magician who studies Crowley, Aquino, the Golden Dawn, Nietzsche, vampirism, etc.
Jantschik, Walter
Adept 2°
West Germany
Black Magician who studies vampirism, demonology, fraternal orders
Johnson, James R., Jr.
Adept 2°
Johnson, Lynn (later married W.T. Butch)
high Setian
left TOS to form the Temple of Nepthys
Joyner, James C.
Sec, of the Order of Leviathan
Baxley, Georgia
Kalivoda, Kurt
Setian 1°
studied OTO black magic
Keil, Jeffrey J.
Setian 1°
member Rune-Gild
King, Stephen P.
Setian 1°
South Carolina
Knowles, James L, Jr.
Setian 1°
has studied Enochian Magic. (The Knowles family is somewhat prominent.)
Laakso, Petri
Setian 1°
joined T of S as a young man going into the Finish armed forces
Lance, Rebecca C.
Priestess of Set 3°
member of The Children (is a Satanic band)
Lee, John
Setian 1°
Queensland, Australia
interested in Nazism and SS rituals
Lewis, Jame
Iipsissimus 6°, Council of Nine
Baxley, Georgia
was formerly with the Church of Satan
Lilly, James H., Jr.
Setian 1°
Lima, Peter J.
Setian 1°
Lynch, Scott C.
Setian 1°
Halifax, Nova Scotia
interested in Neo-Nazism and the KKK
Mahoney, Michael
Mann, Dennis K.
Priest of Set 3°
New York
Order of the Trapezoid, Order of the Vampire, USAR in Michigan; propaganda expert and an attorney