Page Suggestions: Freemasonry
List of 'Alleged' Programmers
The Temple of Set
Original sources:,,
Writers: Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler |
The Temple of Set (The Temple of Power) is built upon mind-control. Since most of the members are either victims of mind-control or perpetrators or both, it would be productive to give the membership of this organization.
Dr. Flowers, the Grand Master of the Order of the Trapezoid, may well be a programmer. In the least he is a slave handler. Some Total Mind-controlled slaves will have Order of the Trapezoid things internally. If they do, the therapist should recognize that this is Temple of Set (Power) programming.
The membership of the Church of Set has been a closely guarded secret. Here it is. A few words of explanation are in order. Most of the names in the list are the actual names of people, but some people joined the Temple of Set under aliases. For instance Eddie W. Hands is an alias for Edward Wayne Cox of Chatham, Louisiana. E. Wayne Cox may have chosen this alias because he runs an international business of selling left hands taken from victims of human sacrifice. The left hand is called by these Satanists "the hand of glory."
Although Senator Robert C. Byrd’s name doesn’t appear on the Temple of Set’s formal membership, he properly should be included in any membership list, because it was his legal expertise that helped Aquino setup the Temple of Set so that it would be legally protected by the Constitution.
Behind this legal Satanic organization is a large amount of illegal Satanic activity, including sacrifice, slavery, mind control, porn and drugs. Senator Byrd is an example of how evil men can pervert the use of the Constitution for evil. Another name which is not on the formal membership roster is Jerry Lee Lewis, but Jerry Lee Lewis works so closely with the Monarch slaves of the Temple of Set that he is an integral part of the Temple of Set system This secret membership list follows this pattern:
Here is the Past and Recent Secret Membership of the Temple of Set (a spin-off of the Church of Satan, and recently reconstructed as the Temple of Power.)
Roman numerals are used to identify Setian ranks. I have taken the liberty to abbreviate these roman numerals into our everyday numbers, such as VI° = 6°