Page Suggestions: Freemasonry
List of 'Alleged' Programmers
Understanding the Programmers
Original sources:,,
Writers: Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler |
Many men have contributed to the research of trauma-based mind control. The men who learned how to torture during the ancient Babylonian days, during the Roman days and during the Medieval days passed their secrets to the rulers of the secret Mystery Religions. Some of the 13 Illuminati bloodlines trace their history back to the ancient times of Babylon. Because the programmers are driven by the spirit-world, they are very jealous and competitive towards each other. It is a dog-eat-dog world amongst them. The demonic forces within in them are in competition too. Yes, the programmers have had their friction, their jealousies and power struggles with each other. Some of these inner battles have been fought with and over their mind-controlled slaves. When two programmers work on a single slave, they might both put in their own secret back doors to insure that the slave remains loyal to himself rather than other programmer.
There has also been ongoing tension between the half-blooded and full blooded Illuminati programmers. Because each of the various programming centers specializes in perhaps a dozen types of programming, programmers go to different programming centers. The props for the scripts are often kept at the programming centers.
The programmers will dress according to the script they are giving the victims, which might mean they may be dressed as the Wizard of Oz, a Nazi, a doctor in a white coat, a white rabbit costume, a corrigan sweater as Mr. Rogers, or in the nude. One of the most cruelest evil geniuses in recent times was Dr. Mengele. Dr. Mengele used 3,000 twins during the time of 1943-1944 for research. Most of these twins died. The twins were chosen out of the vast numbers of people who were brought in to the German concentration camps. By the time W.W. II ended, Mengele knew a great deal about how to torture children in order to get them to bond totally with him.
Even today some of the survivors of his horrible experiments believe that Mengele loved children. They love him as their father. Mengele also developed the ability to create artificial twinning between two people. Mengele carried his violin with him when he came onto military bases. His violin hid his color bands and probes for color programming. Other men worked with Dr. Mengele and soon became programmers in their own right.
Dr. Cameron of Canada became a Monarch mind-controlled slave programmer known as Dr. White.
Another programmer who was not a full blooded generational Satanist was Gog known as Dr. Blue. Heinrich Mueller is known as Dr. Blue. Dr. Blue lived in the northwest area and has two sons--their programming and cult nicknames are "Teddy Bear" (Theodore) and "Robin Hood" (Michael).
Two programmers known successively as Dr. Black are L.W. and W.B. A protege of L. W. is Ed Hummel who works in states such as Texas and Oregon. Ed was originally from Texas, and W. and B. were originally from Oklahoma before they began working in the Northwest.
Two of the most ruthless programmers on the West coast are Jerry Lee Lewis and Michael Aquino. These two men are as cold blooded as they come, ranking right beside Mengele in their ability to torture. Michael Aquino (DOB 10/16/46, 2430 Leavenworth St., San Francisco, plus other addresses), because he was in military intelligence. was in a position to pass on his diabolical programming abilities to dozens of military officers. His wife works with him, and her name is Lilith Sinclair (DOB 4/21/42). Michael Aquino has travelled all over the U.S. doing programming. Michael Aquino used Cathy O’Brien as the star victim in his training video which teaches military officers how to create Monarch mind-controlled slaves.
One of the old time programmers (early 1950s-80’s) who worked as a psychiatrist in southern California went by the programming name of Sid.
The principle Illuminati programmers were known as Dr. Black, Dr. White, Dr. Green, and Dr. Blue. They oversaw the training of thousands of part-time programmers. The better programmers are able to get into the mind of the victim much like Columbo (Peter Falk), who is, by the way, in his personal life part of this all.
The reader needs to understand that a victim who is given the Monarch mind-control may have a number of programmers, but the slave will be trained to only respond to the voices of a limited number of users. If someone tries to use a slave and has the wrong voice, it could trigger suicide programming. A human robot may have alters which can rescue the body from a suicide alter, but the message will be clear to the mind-controlled slave that it should stay away from non-approved users or face possible suicide.
We have now entered an era where second and third generation robotic mind controlled slaves are programming. The programmed are now doing much if not most of the programming. This means many of the programmers are men with MPD. Some programmers are hard-core military men who see any type of "discipline" or "training" as good if the end product produces better obeying soldiers. These hard-core military men have lost any proper boundaries on what is O.K. for training. This explains why the whole apparatus to create mind-controlled slaves is turning out new slaves at an alarming rate.
The small number of victims who are pain stakingly saved by de-programming and therapy is slight compared to the number of new slaves being created. Over two million Americans have been programmed by trauma-based mind control since 1947, and the CIA admitted its Mind Control publicly in 1970, and yet the existence of the mind-control is still secret to the general public.
Doctors such as Dr. Gaefsky, at theBethesada Naval Hospital and Dr. Beecher at Harvard, under the auspices of the CIA worked to perfect the use of drugs to mind-control people. Dr.Jensen, was the CIA programmer who programmed Candy Jones (birth name Jessica Wilcox, and CIA alias Arlene Grant), the famous sex object of males during W.W. II. Candy Jones was a Monarch carrier pigeon (courier) for theCIA. Candy Jones received some of her programming at The Farm which is theCIA’s Camp Peary.
Dr. William Jennings Bryan also helped the CIA in programming. Naval Psychologist Lt. Comdr. Thomas Narut contributed hiside as on how to develop mind-controlled assassins. Some of the assembly-lineDelta assassination teams are using programming techniques based on Narut’s programming research.
A Dr. James Monroe also worked for the CIA in Mind Control programming.
Disclaimer: The readers are asked to check these people/names out for themselves before drawing any final conclusions, maybe the leopard has changed his spots.
Excerpts taken from The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave by Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler.