Page Suggestions: Freemasonry

The Collins Bloodline

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The lower levels are not concerned with developing power such as what Satan has, they simply enjoy being evil, and in that respect are rather crude in their exercise of evil. The Collins family hasn’t received much attention. Who do you think of when you think of the Collins? Joan Collins? She was a beautiful, Jewish Hollywood actress from England. Joan’s grandmother lived at Brighton, England. (Joan mentions her father being a Jew on pg. 13 of her autobiography Joan Collins Past Imperfect.) Her father Joe Collins and his friend Lord Lew Grade had an acting company. Joe Collin’s father Will Collins and his wife a can-can dancer Henrietta Collins were also into acting. In the l970s she was in several horror movies and picked up the title "Queen of the Horror Films" (p. 271). In 1977 and 1978 Joan was nude in two sexy films (not her first) which were expected to do better at the box office than they did, neither of the titles of these films bear repeating. One was based on a sexy book Joan’s sister wrote that was a best-seller in England. Joan was the first "old" woman to be in the buff in Playboy (the December 1983 Playboy). The issue is a collector’s item. In her 40s, she was still posing in the buff. Which according to her autobiography she feels comfortable doing. (I wonder if being exceptionaly beautiful and a sex idol for millions makes it easier to pose nude.) For those who watch Dynasty, you’ll likely remember her. For those who watched Hansel and Gretel, Joan was the witch. She was the woman in the film The Devil Within Her. In December, 1982 Joan was asked to be the mistress of ceremonies at Prince Albert Hall before the Queen and His Royal Highness Prince Phillips. Besides knowing that she is into astrology, after looking at her autobiography I don’t pick up a hint of any religiousness. Besides her amazing beauty, her lack of morals made her a perfect fit for Hollywood. Among her many friends, she had Sammy Davis, Jr. (p. 332) and Jayne Mansfield as friends or acquaintances, both of whom are publicly known to be Satanists. She rubbed shoulders with Henry Kissinger (p.3454 of Autobio.)

Joan Collins vacationed in the winter at St. Moritz, which is an exclusive ski resort of the international set where Joan rubbed shoulders with Niarchos and Aristotle Onassis. (These - are Kings within the Illuminati.) Joan Collins spent time with Edgar Bronfman. The Bronfman family are the Jewish Illuminati family that runs Canada. (p. 281-282) Joan Collins may not he part of the Illuminati Collins family, but if she isn’t she has at least associated with some of the top Illuminati. Joan was married several times but obviously preferred her maiden name.

Another famous Collins is Michael Collins who was one of the three astronauts on the Apollo II. Apollo II was the first officially announced visit by man to the moon. For those who have read Be Wise As Serpents you are aware that the first flag on the moon was the Scottish Rite’s flag. There are a number of very strange things about the flight, and about what NASA has been doing. Bun Aldrin is a Freemason. Neil Armstrong has gone into seclusion, shunning any publicity. As Michael Collins puts it, Neil has "dropped out and doesn’t sell the NASA program." (Carrying the Fire, by Michael Collins, p. 461--The title to his book is based on Greek mythology. The god Apollo carried fire, which is what Michael felt described Apollo II.) What our government has been doing with NASA, flying saucers and a manned lunar base, is beyond writing about in this article, But the question did naturally come to my mind, could Michael Collins be related to the Illuminati Collins family? Michael Collins writes about himself, "Fortunately, I have been a poor student all my life, and my parents, concealing their disappointment, seldom pushed me." (Carrying the Fire, p. 462)

It certainly seems like such a student would need some pull to get into West Point, USMA. Michael Collins also sits on the board of directors of the llluminati’s Rand Corporation which works with Tavistock Institute. He is not even a nominal Christian as far as I can tell, he states dryly that "no" he "did not find God" when he went to the moon. It looked like the clues were leading in the direction that he might be part of the elite, when I can across one sentence that changed my mind. Michael Collins wrote,

"I feel just as thankful today that I live in the United States of America as I did before flying in space, and I have no desire for this country to merge into a United States of the World.’ (p.470 of his book. By the way Michael Collins wrote his own book in contrast with so many of the "Christian" authors like Pat Robertson’s New World Order, and some of Billy Graham’s books which are written by others with the big name tacked on to sell it.)

If anyone could promote internationalism (One-World-Government) without any suspicion it would be Michael Collins, for few men share his experience of seeing the tiny earth in the vastness of the hostile universe. And yet he doesn’t, he simply advocates that humans learn to cooperate to solve our problems- which we certainly need to do. Michael Collins has some really interesting and in a sense inspiring things to say about what seeing the earth from way out in space meant to his life. What he writes bears repeating. I don’t have the space for it all but will share one idea that is novel,

"Seeing the earth from a distance has changed my perception of the solar system as well. Ever since Copernicus’ theory (that the earth was a satellite of the sun, instead of vice versa) gained wide acceptance, men have considered it an irrefutable truth; yet I submit that we still cling emotionally to the pre-Copernican, or Ptolemaic, notion that the earth is the center of everything. The sun comes up at dawn and goes down at dusk, right? Or as the radio commercial describes sunset: "When the sun just goes away from the sky..." Baloney. The sun doesn’t rise or fall: it doesn’t move, it just sits there, and we rotate in front of it, while dusk means we have turned another 180 degrees and are being carried into the shadow zone. The sun never "goes away from the sky." It’s still there sharing the same sky with us; it’s simply that there is a chunk of opaque earth between us and the sun which prevents our seeing it. Everyone knows that, but I really see it now." (pp. 472-73)

(I like Michael Collins. What I just quoted is neat. After reading lots of occult garbage, I really appreciate someone who isn’t into emphasizing the sun. If Michael were an occultist he would not have made this statement. In fact, I think it would be healthy for Christians to quit looking at the stars, and realize how wonderful God’s green earth is. Praise His holy name! The earth is a very unique wonderful marvelous place. And all these people who use their imaginations and belittie the earth because they think some other planet in another galaxy is better, should do some space travel. The earth is a miracle, and anyone who doesn’t see God through His creation is not thinking straight.)

Back to the question, is Michael’s Collins family part of the Illuminati Collins family? I have no idea, but Michael himself is not an internationalist. The Collins family is an old New England family. Early members of it were Francis, Edward and John. (See the genealogical chart.) Part of the Satanic branch may live in England too. Like most top Illuminati families, the Collins have spread al over - so that even the West Coast has some members of this satanic bloodline. Part of the family is both related to aristocracy and to witchcraft. For instance, I have a complete list of all people accused of witchcraft in New England in the 17th century which includes some Collins, The 17th century was the first century that British settlers, mostly Puritans, some of whom are also known as Pilgrims and Congregationalists settled in New England. In 1640 in Aquiday, Massachusetts a Collins was accused of witchcraft. In 1653, Jane Collins was accused of witchcraft in Lynn, Mass. And a Collins family lived in the Salem, Mass. area of Marblehead during the 1650s when the witch trials occurred. They were neighbors to the family accused of witchcraft.

Interestingly some of the last names of other people accused of witchcraft in early colonial Massachusetts include Young, Bailey, Carrington, Godfrey, Hall, Brown and Clinton. You will find all of these last names on people today who are connected to the Satanic hierarchy (Illuminati) and Satanism. However, the worst example of dealing with "witchcraft", the Salem Witch trials, was instigated by the Collins family to destroy Christians.

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