Page Suggestions: Freemasonry
The Freeman Bloodline
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Origins of the Family
There are obviously different unrelated family lines that have the last name Freeman. In the preliminary genealogical work that I have done I have found Freemans coming from England, France, Germany and Austria. Howard L. Freeman is a Christian author, who has written about how the economic system of our nation is ungodly. I wrote him a letter of inquiry about the Freeman family. He wrote me and told me that his family came from the English town of Barnstaple. And that the Freemans in that area treated him as a royal guest when he visited the area. He was shown around England over a 50 mile radius by the Freemans in England. His opinion was that his last name did not originate in Barnstaple, England. The history books record an M.P. (Member of Parliament) back in the times when our revolution was being plotted who was named Sambrooke Freeman (c. 1721-82). He was from Fawley Court, near Henley, in Berkshire. He went to Oxford. I do not know if the Freemans in Moriah (the Illuminati) are from England originally, but from the little clues I have that would be my first guess. If not England, then likely France. Mary Freeman of Marlborough, Wiltshire, England claimed back in 1988 that on 7/13/88, almost at midnight, that she, Mary Freeman, was leaving the ancIent Druid stone circle at Avebury when she saw a UFO over Silbury Hill. Most people are interested In her UFO report--l’m curious why this Freeman lady was out late at night at some ancient Druid site.
Illuminati and Satanism
Due to time restraints, I haven’t progressed as far in my research as I would like. However, I have been able to identify one Freeman in the Illuminati. He was Minnesota’s Gov. Orville Freeman who appointed Walter Mondale to the position of Attorney General when Walter was just 32 years old. Walter Mondale later enjoyed the status of being the only U.S. Senator on the Trilateral Commission. Walter Mondale went on to serye the Illuminati as U.S. Vice-president and Orville Freeman was appointed as a cabinet member for Kennedy’s and then Johnson’s administration. Another Freeman is listed on secret membership lists as joining the Order of Skull and Bones in 1869. See his picture which is reproduced. Don Freeman wrote books on witches, including Space Witch, and Tilly Witch. Another Freeman was instrumental in the O.T.O. being set up. For those who know about the O.T.O. (I’ve mentioned it in the past) it is hermetic magic and Satanism. Right here in Oregon, we have been watching some Freemans, because it appears that there are some Satanic coven members here in Oregon who are Freemans.
Freeman Family Writes Books
It is interesting to look at some of the titles that various Freemans have authored. Here is a sampling--see if some of these don’t sound like the authors could be potential candidates for being in a coven.
- Martin Freeman - Forecasting Astrology (plus several other astrology books)
- Richard B. Freeman - The Overeducated American
- Michael Freeman - Cohabitation Without Marriage
- Lucy Freeman - Listening to the Inner Self
- Kathleen Freeman - books on the Greeks’ philosophy
- A.V. Freeman - International Responsibility of States for Denial of Justice
- Harold Freeman - Toward Socialism In America
- Jo Freeman - books promoting, Women’s Liberation such as Politics of Women’s Liberation and Women a Feminist Perspective
- David F. Freeman wrote a Handbook on Private Foundations. That’s interesting because if anyone is skilled in creating foundations, especially private ones its the Illuminati.
The Freeman family includes many lawyers, doctors, and psychiatrists. Some of the Freeman scientists are studying areas that are interesting. A.J. Freeman wrote on his area of expertise Magnetoelectric Interaction Phenomena in Crystals. Sounds like a subject people interacting with the UFOs might study.
Ties To Other Important Families
Part of what I can do for the reader is to begin to give hIm or her a feel for how the Freeman family connects into the rest of things. This next section’s information will include information that only tangently relates to the Freemans, but is important to place them in the context of what is happening back stage out of the sight of the world’s eyes. The Freemans in the Satanic hierarchy in the U.S. work with the Illuminati families of the Collins and Wheeler families. Readers are already familiar with the Collins family, but not the Wheelers. Now let me explain who the Wheelers are, because I am trying to put some pieces of the puzzle in place for you. Gen. Earl Wheeler and his brother Leo Wheeler, a Grande Master of the Illuminati (see the top diagram pg. 14 1/1/93 newsletter), are secret Satanists and also 33° Freemasons. Leo Wheeler, by virtue of his Grande Master status in the satanic hierarchy has been able to visit the Dulce, N.M. underground facility. The route he used was to fly in, and then the last stretch is done in a black limousine. Various people in the Dulce area have occasionally spotted these VIP black limousines. The Wheeler family has a long history of involvement with Satanism, and its genealogical history goes back to the House of David. An amazing clue (or an amazing coincidence) appears when we look at the genealogy of the Mormon leaders. (The Be Wise As Serpents book makes the connections of the Mormon leadership but it doesn’t appear that many have read or understood the significance. Maybe this here will help.) The top Mormon leadership (LDS and RLDS) all are related and descendants of the Merovingians, but for sake of discussion let us take Brigham Young. Brigham Young’s first name was Brigham. It was given to him because of the importance of the Brigham family. His grandmother was Sibil Brigham. Sibyls were prophetesses of the ancient world, and the name is a semi-common occult name. Brigham Young and his family practiced magic. They were also intimately aware of their genealogy, which goes back to the Merovingian Dynasty! One wonders if it is coincidence that the Merovingians’ primary symbol--the bee is also the symbol for the Mormon church and Utah. Look at a Deseret Industries (Mormon thrift stores) building in your area and you will see the bee on their side. But not only does Brigham Young have Merovingian blood from at least two lines of blood (and possibly as many as 6 lines of blood back), but he also is related to the Collins family of Massachusetts that we wrote about in the 2/1/93 newsletter. Further, Brigham Young is also a blood relative of the Wheelers. This is the clue which is amazing. A. chart of all this is given on the next page. If Young’s Wheeler relatives are related to the Satanic Illuminati Wheelers, then we have an example of how 3 strains of top Satanic blood have interwoven and resulted in the birth of the Freemason, Witch, and President of the LDS Brigham Young. Perhaps the tie-in doesn’t exist, but it certainly is worthy of our examination.