Page Suggestions: Christian Music, Secular Music, The Order of the Illuminati

How Artists Are Used by the Illuminati

Writer: Ben Gunn | 2002 |

Have you ever asked yourself why some artists have reached the Top and stayed there, although their music or acting is way under the average? How can someone who does not know anything about music become a famous rock star? And how come some people with lots of talent and ideas never stand a chance? Bad luck? Hardly. The "BIG" rock stars and actors are heavily used by the Illuminati. Some of them are programmed from the day they were born to become puppets for the Elite, and some of them are picked up later in life because they have "the right attitude" and can be worked with. Those young people are introduced into the Occult; into secret orders like the Freemasons, the OTO (Ordo Templi Orientis), the Rosicrucians, Scientology and others. Within those cults they are taught how to think and (re)act in order to enhance the Agenda.

This is how the Elite has planned it with regards to using art to help out with achieving the goals:

The Good News:

No matter how hard the people in power try to manipulate the masses and control the minds of those we are listening to, the human spirit is strong. I lived together with a person who had been abused like this by the Secret Government, but she started remembering things she was "not supposed to remember." And I'll tell you - those people, who have been used and abused, who start to remember, are the most valuable people we have at this point, to tell us what is going on, and who is pulling the strings.

The Sinister Controllers of Music and Art

Writer: Ben Gunn | 05 November 2002 |

When I talk on this subject, I am often met with skepticism and mistrust. I don't blame people who feel that way. This is very controversial. It has actually been a secret for decades if not eons, and the general public has no idea what is going on.

I claim that the music- and the film businesses are run by an Elite of people (mostly world bankers), who work behind the scenes of politics and business, in secret, to create a New World Order and a One World Government where they themselves are the rulers and dictators. It will be a World Order where you and I are only slaves in a society where they are the Masters and make the rules, regardless of what we think. This is actually happening today!

Take a look around. Look at the state of this this planet as it is in this exact moment. There are wars, dictatorship, famine, diseases, starvation, riots, terrorism, hate and strange civil wars. Why? Because this is the nature on man? Hardly. I believe, and am pretty certain, that man is basically good. Most of the conflicts in this world are created by men in power. And those men (yes, they are mostly men) have a fortune to spend to make things happen. This is because those men are International Bankers and in control of the currency worldwide - with unlimited access to money. They are the ones who own the Media and decide what news you are supposed to hear, and what news you are NOT supposed to hear. I will stop here for a while with some quotes from some Media Moguls:

"There is no such thing, at this date in the world's history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it.

There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the street looking for another job.

page 2 Music Industry