Page updated 25 Jan 2016
Page Suggestions: Christian Music, Secular Music, The Order of the Illuminati
Stryper 'The Covering' Album
Writer: Admin | 25 Jan 2016
I remember years ago when this so called heavy metal Christian rock music came out and was trying to make an entrance into the churches. I remember hearing a few preachers say they had no problem with it if it was getting the message through to young people.
Well, many years gone by now and I began looking through the internet at this stuff and wow did I ever find a whole lot of frightful stuff. The evil, demonic images on the album covers are amazing. The song titles and lyrics are just as bad.
A few years ago I was invited to a Stryper "concert" here in Nashville, TN. At the time I was willing to go in order to be with friends. Thought I might have a new opinion about the group if I went to the concert. As it turned out I never went and now I believe it was the Lord's protection over me even when I did not realize that I needed protected! While I did not care for the groups style of music I never really believed it to be satanic either.
We always had this attitude that we didn't want to be characterized as this little religious band sold in religious bookstores and happy and content to play in a church for love offerings. -Robert Sweet, formerly of Stryper, (Milwaukee Journal, Aug 25, 1987 p. 11)-
Having taken a closer look at this group and others I see what is happening here. So we have many people who are just "FAKING IT" as Christian in order to make it big and make sales not only from the secular world but also from the church folks. I have shared this article I found about Stryper to illustrate my point. We read in this article that Michael Sweet, the lead singer, was himself from a secular pop group which was tied to the illuminati. So then Stryper is formed and WHO is supposed to be Christian here? Where do we see and hear praise and worship to Jesus Christ in this music?
The answer is ...NO ONE in this group can possibly be Christian, and there are NO LYRICS praising Jesus Christ in this music. It is not possible to take songs from bands who worship Satan and then call it Christian. Excuse me, but Michael Sweet is a liar and con artist, and anyone who thinks this group is Christian must be on drugs.
WHERE is the separation from the world here? If you love Jesus Christ and are saved then that makes you the light and salt of the earth so why are you in the dark worshiping demons and evil things? It is impossible to serve two masters. Anyone who truly loves the Lord Jesus Christ will put away all darkness and evil, and will not have a love or fascination for such gruesome, demonic images or satanic music. There is nothing at all admirable or glamorous about imitating death and Hell. The "covering" Michael Sweet sings about is a demonic covering, not the Holy Spirit. The Lord Thy God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, is not in Hell.
Source: 10 May 2011 |

This album cover displays satanic, illuminati symbolism. Note the pyramid under the logo, and the wings. The eyes reflect death and Hell.
Many will be surprised to hear that Stryper, 80’s Christian-rock glam band, has come out with a new album entitled The Covering which features favorite hits from other rock bands including Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Iron Maiden, and Led Zeppelin. Lead singer, Michael Sweet (Boston), gives an epic range of key and improvisational skills to these classic metal songs. Stryper represents the ideal 80’s glam metal style come back to life to pay respect to those majestic musicians that have inspired them.
Stryper holds record for the longest running bands left over from the 80’s glam rock era. The band has increasingly progressed in fame and in fans since their start back in 1983. Most recently their vintage black and yellow Stryper t-shirt was featured in Drew Barrymore’s directing-debut film WHIP IT.
Even the art on the album cover projects the band’s original essence during their prime: comic book depiction of an angel looking a bit worn out with long hair, a leather jacket, and goldy-green colored eye. This album brings you back to the days of loud basement parties and cheesy video game graphics.
The Covering is an interpretive cover album where some of the lyrics have been reworked whether omitting or replacing them altogether. The question is why? For whatever the reason doesn’t hurt the album one bit. Sometimes they stick to the originals, sometimes they change the arrangements, sometimes, and they embellish the guitar solos to make them their own and not just a replay of the original. All and all the boys know what they are doing! Cover songs include the following with an additional original song entitled "God":
– Set Me Free (Sweet)
– Blackout (Scorpions)
– Heaven and Hell (Black Sabbath)
– Lights Out (UFO)
– Carry on Wayward Son (Kansas)
– Highway Star (Deep Purple)
– Shout It Out Loud (KISS)
– Over The Mountain (Ozzy)
– The Trooper (Iron Maiden)
– Breaking the Law (Judas Priest)
– On Fire (Van Halen)
– Immigrant Song (Led Zeppelin)
– God (Stryper)