Page Suggestions: Freemasonry, The Order of the Illuminati, One World Church

A Symbol of The Big Problems Within The American Church

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Sadly, many Christians, as I once did, are taking that which is not Christian or Biblical and trying to make it such. While I am sure the gospel will be presented in the film when it is released, this does not make the use of the monument as a "Christian" symbol acceptable. Neither does presenting the gospel make it Biblical for Christians to commit themselves to being "liberty men and liberty women". We should first and foremost be men and women that proclaim the gospel and reject moralizing and reconstructionism. Embracing the Monument to the Forefathers as a Christian symbol is indicative of the big problem and the big picture. The unbiblical big picture is made of up many parts.

(1) Reconstructionism or perhaps revivalist postmillennialism or reconstructionist postmillennialism.

(2) Dominionism.

(3) Moralizing.

(4) Christian activism or political activism as a solution.

(5) Embracing those that have embraced ecumenicalism if it helps to win the culture war and thus giving credibility to ecumenicalism even if it is done so unintentionally.

(6) Christians giving credibility to false teachers and those preaching another gospel and another Jesus by working with or appearing with them in spiritual discussions, spiritual interviews, and spiritual enterprises.

(7) Spiritualizing or taking out of context Biblical text to justify Christian activism, reconstructionism, dominionism or a reconstructionist postmillennialism.

(8) Denying a literal interpretation of the Bible in regards to Biblical prophecy.

(9) Man centered attempts based on man's political and cultural strategies to restore a nation.

(10) A lack of willingness to accept the overwhelming possibility that America will not be "reclaimed" because God has given her over as described in Romans 1. The gospel can still go forth and God will be honored even as He reveals Himself to be the righteous judge that judges nations and individuals. In such a nation and climate, Christians can point people to the gospel that allows them to pass from judgment into life. If we are truly selfless perhaps we would pray for persecution and national judgment so that the church would be purified, the distraction of Christian activism would end, and the Great Commission would be our only focus.

(11) Emotionalism and fear that cause Christians to compromise and build unbiblical alliances instead of fully trusting in the sovereignty of God.

(12) The sin of placing our desire for our families and the future of our children ahead of God's desire for our families and the future of our children. God may very well want our children to live in a nation that is hostile so they might seek Him. Has the materialism of our nation made our children and grandchildren more likely to seek after God or are they materially satisfied and have need of nothing? If God desires persecution to get the attention of our children and to drive them to the cross, then I pray for persecution. It is better to be persecuted in this life and to come to Jesus Christ than to be comfortable in this life and be tormented in hell for eternity.

When watching the trailer of Monumental and some of the promotional interviews by those involved, I, and some of our Worldview Weekend speakers, got the feel of dominionism, reconstructionism or reconstructionist postmillennialism. Statements have been made about having a plan or formula to restore liberty and freedom. I believe one statement implied that if someone had a pre-tribulation eschatology then their beliefs could create self-fulfilling prophecies. There are Biblical prophesies that God will fulfill regardless of our beliefs about them.

Additionally, the film trailer seems to mock those that believe in a literal interpretation of the Word of God in regards to Biblical prophecy. Another concern is the news reports that state that David Barton will be interviewed in the film. Barton has called Glenn Beck a Mormon and a Christian.

One has to wonder if after the film is debuted in the theatres, will there be a campaign to have the movie shown in churches around the country? Will they advocate purchasing resources that rally the church to reconstructionism or to accept postmillennialism that includes Christian activism? How has Christian activism worked out the past thirty years? I am not saying we should just throw up our hands and retreat. What I am saying is that only the proclamation of the gospel and training our children and church members in Biblical theology and doctrine is going to have a lasting and eternal impact. More Christians working to "reclaim the culture" is not going to work if God is turning our nation and world over as described in the Scriptures, and I believe He is turning us over.

The mixing of evangelicals with false prophets for the sake of the culture war is really an offense to the Gospel. God is not dependent on us to violate Biblical principles in order to be successful at restoring righteousness. The culture war is really the byproduct of a spiritual battle and the spiritual condition of America. The church cannot confront the cultural and spiritual problems by compromising on Biblical and spiritual issues. God is watching and I contend that our efforts are being thwarted by God as Divine judgment for setting aside Scriptural warnings and uniting with false teachers in spiritual enterprises intertwined with our Christian activism.

If Biblically sound Christians stand together for righteousness in the public square and yet we lose we still win because we were able to lift up the gospel in our Godly efforts. However, if Christians compromise the gospel and unite with false teachers in spiritual and political enterprises, regardless of the political outcome, we will have lost because we gave credibility to false teachers and their false gospel. I believe this is Satan's strategy. Our willingness to lose our liberty and freedom and to even be enslaved before we compromise the gospel is how we can win today and win for eternity.

The late Vance Havner was correct when he declared: "The devil is not fighting religion; he is too smart for that. He is producing a counterfeit Christianity so much like the real one that good Christians are afraid to speak out against it." I believe Americanism is one of many forms of a counterfeit Christianity. When you mix the gospel and Christian activism with people that are calling a Mormon a Christian or people that have signed Evangelicals and Catholics Together, or give credibility to men that have united with Glenn Beck's ecumenical Black Robe Regiment or men that have spoken for Cindy Jacobs of the New Apostolic Reformation; you are giving credibility, whether intentionally or not, to a compromised Christianity.

page 1 page 3 The Religious and Political Movement