Page Suggestions: Freemasonry, The Order of the Illuminati, One World Church

A Symbol of The Big Problems Within The American Church

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I have declared it before and I will declare it again; Christians that partner with false teachers or those involved in the social gospel, or ecumenicalism and think they are defending liberty for the sake of the gospel are actually compromising the gospel for the sake of liberty.

So, let us watch and see how this all washes out and let us see if the movie Monumental causes the church to gain a deeper commitment to preaching the gospel and teaching Biblical theology and doctrine. Will it be one more misguided and perhaps well-intended campaign to enlist the church into Christian activism, reconstructionism, or reconstructionist postmillennialism? Is America better today than it was thirty years ago despite all the Christian activism, and hundreds of millions spent by pro-family groups and attempts at reconstructionism? No!

Mixing the gospel with reconstructionism of any kind and Christian activism is a futile exercise at best. So can the true church get back to our true calling which is fulfilling the Great Commission? After all, that is a big picture strategy that will have monumental results.

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page 1 page 2 The Religious and Political Movement