Page updated 01 November 2016

Page Suggestions: Occult Influences, Tithing, the prosperity gospel, the preacher's role, Wolves in Sheep's Clothing

Organized Religion and the Great Apostasy

The Mega Church Plan

Page 2

Churches Serving Beer

Sign for beer and hymns

The sign for 'beer and hymns' at the First Christian Church in downtown Portland, Oregon. Read more at Churches Attract New Members With Beer

Now we have churches serving beer in order to intice young people to come in. The following articles even state that people are having church in bars, and using beer for communion. This is a big abomination to the Lord!

The Ultimate Plan

What is going on in the churches today is BLASPHEMOUS!

And the next sabbath day came almost the whole city together to hear the word of God. But when the Jews saw the multitudes, they were filled with envy, and spake against those things which were spoken by Paul, contradicting and blaspheming. Acts 13:44-45

Holy water: More and more churches across the country have taken to serving up pints — or even holding theological discussions at the local pub. -Beth Stebner, What would Jesus brew?-

The ultimate plan is to unite the antichrist church; to create a one world religion where everyone is entitled to their "best life now." Where everyone goes to Heaven because they believe all roads lead to the ONE, Almighty God. Where sin, pervertedness, and witchcraft are sensationalized. The druged up, dumbed down, vulnerable group of people who will ignorantly and easily accept the mark of the beast. Many in the church are selling out their souls right now for money, fame and careers. It's much like what happened in the 1968 film, Rosemary's Baby where people are willing to turn against and destroy anyone who stands in the way of what they want. People know it is the devil making the offer of their dreams and they don't care. Satan's people have infiltrated this world, THE CHURCH, and are in full control of this world system RIGHT NOW until the end of the tribulation period. Satan's people may look like us, and talk like us, and dress like us and you will never know who they are without spiritual discernment and guidance from the Lord.

page 1 Organized Religion