Page Suggestions: abortion holocaust, pestilences
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Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Pseudomonas Fluorescens, Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens, Streptomyces, Enterobacter cloacae, Serratia marcescens, human white blood cells, and other bacilli and molds capable of producing heart disease and meningitis, as well as acute upper respiratory and gastrointestinal distress found in Chemtrail-Related Illness. After my colleague, health researcher Erminia Cassani, brought in samples of a brown gel-like material obtained from an aluminum-sided home thoroughly splattered by a plane neighbors watched nearly hit the roof, the surprised director of an EPA-licensed lab wanted to know where we had obtained this "probable biohazard material."
Normally taking three or four days to grow in a Petri dish, Cassani's bacteria-laden sample "flowered" less than 48 hours after being cultured. Stating that "it was all over the plate," the lab staff said they had never seen anything grow this quickly. A similar gel sample obtained one year earlier in Pennsylvania and analyzed by the same lab matched our first sample's "Top 3" pathogens. Skeptical of the link between this airborne fallout and reported illnesses, Cassani herself soon fell victim in May, 1999 when she was stricken with a serious upper respiratory infection, swollen lymph glands, sore throat, and general "flu-like" symptoms, 24 hours after being outdoors beneath what she described as a "huge, vertical river" of suspect chemtrail.
The Top 3 bacteria
(1) Pseudomonas fluorescens causes bad infections in humans. DoD CBW patent arsenal includes 163 patents using Pseudomonas Fluorescens. There are considerable inventions using polymers in conjunction with Pseudomonas Fluorescens with multiple applications. Pseudomonas can use substances such as toluene, camphor, and hydrocarbons of petroleum as primary and energy sources. JP8 is perfect!
(2) Bacillus [Amyloliquefaciens] is a restricted substance used in biowar materials to clone genetic material and create "viral genomes". Most Internet sites will not allow access to info about it. Erminia searched for one of the bacteria - and all three appeared in the result of the search. This bacillus contained a restriction enzyme called BamHI. A "restriction enzyme" splits the DNA strand in cloning genetic material. When asked BamHI's primary use, a microbiologist told us: "Its main use would be in a research lab."
(3) Streptomyces. A strange finding. Strep and Psuedomonas are quite frequently seen together.
Also found: a chemical marker from a distant coral reef that would immediately identify this sample under blacklight. A sample of gel-like material dropped by an airplane over an aluminum-sided home in Pennsylvania one year previously was sent to Cassani and tested by the same lab. This sample also contained living bacteria and toxic molds:
a. Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens. This bacteria overloaded the samples.
b. Turicella otitidis. The second most predominant bacteria causes a painful middle ear infection. (Nasty, hurts)
Fungus/Molds (Each can cause upper respiratory infection.)
a. Streptomyces
b. Rhizomucor
c. Penicillin
d. Black yeast
On Oct. 16, 1997, a professor of microbiology tested a sample of the "angel Hair" fallout collected after spraying in Salisaw, Oklahoma. Dr. Greg Hanford was also present in a California community college laboratory when a series of tests on this "unusually big" bacteria confirmed the presence of enterobacterace belonging to the same family as E. coli, salmonella, anthrax and chagella. The mystified microbiologists could not identify the species of baccilis under their microscope.
Another sample of "angel hair goop" taken in Fairfield, California after heavy aerial spraying was found by a college microbiology lab to contain Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Both tests are inconclusive. "We can't really nail this stuff down," a frustrated Greg Hanford told Thomas. "Since it was collected off the ground, hell, it could be background material off the soil." Pseudomonas is a very common bacteria found on dirt and in food. Pseudomonas Aeruginosa is extremely resistant to antibiotics - another characteristic of Chemtrail-Related Illness.
Serratia Marscsens infection is also manifest as a pneumonia, but can involve the upper respiratory tract. In a 1950 experiment to determine how susceptible an American city would be to biological attack, the U.S. Navy sprayed a cloud of a Sarratia marscesens bacteria throughout San Francisco in order to test the extent of infection. Many residents become ill with pneumonia-like symptoms. Some died. In the 1970s, Serratia marcescens was officially taken out of service by the U.S. military as a biowarfare simulant. But it turned up again in a lab-tested sample of "angel hair" sprayed by aircraft over Idaho in March, 1999.
Chemist and botanist Bruce Tanio's list of symptoms is familiar to anyone stricken with CRI: "Depression, anxiety, sudden mood swings, lack of concentration, drowsiness, fatigue, insomnia, poor memory, headaches, and light headedness." Also: "Abdominal pain, gas and bloating, indigestion, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, gastritis." Also: "Swelling and pain of muscles and/or joints." Tanio's litany of symptoms all describe fungal-induced illness. As previously noted, sick-making molds and fungi are among the "Top Three" components of the "gel" and "red dust" samples collected and lab tested after being sprayed by low-flying aircraft over suburbs in the US and Espanola, Ontario.
In PROBING THE CHEMTRAILS CONUNDRUM, chemtrails investigator William Thomas stated that the causative agent behind most of the Chemtrail-Related Illness flooding hospitals over the past two years - including acute asthma and allergies, joint pain, headaches, bloody noses, fatigue and depression is most likely fungal infection. According to the December, 1999 Idaho Observer: "Last year, north Idaho naturopaths determined that the upper respiratory infections that would drag on for months were not viral or bacterial but were fungal."
In a recent survey among 179 patients reportedly suffering from chemtrail-related illness, naturopathic Dr. Joseph Puleo found that 22% had been to a hospital Emergency Room, 34% exhibited rashes and sores, half or more had experienced disorientation and suffered from stiff neck and gastro-intestinal problems, 72% had a sore throat and 78% reported severe headaches, 81% complained of congestion. Almost everyone surveyed experienced short-term memory loss and difficulty in concentrating. Fully 99% were found to have fungus in their blood. As previously noted, fungi have been found in many chemtrail samples.
In Biblical Codes For A Biological Apocalypse, Dr. Len Horrowitz and Dr. Joseph Puleo point out,
"As fungi grow in the body, their fermentation products further acidify blood and tissues, further taxing the immune system and leaving people more susceptible to opportunistic infections and even certain cancers."
Fungus can also "morph" into bacterial infections. Puleo has found that low fluctuating body temperatures among "those with the first horrible cough" - 95.6, 96.8, 97.4, 97.6 - encourages the formation of bacterial crystal chains as fungal infections flip to bacterial states.