Page Suggestions: false religions, salvation, spiritual warfare, Who is Jesus, witchcraft and the occult

Deliverance by Casting out of Strongmen/Root Spirits


In the name of Jesus, you spirit of infirmity leave me now. (Breathe deep as needed)

In the name of Jesus, you spirit of fear leave me now.

In the name of Jesus, you spirit of whoredom leave me now.

In the name of Jesus, you spirit of idolatry leave me now.

In the name of Jesus, you spirit of perverseness leave me now.

In the name of Jesus, you spirit of deaf and dumb (suicide) leave me now.

In the name of Jesus, you spirit of lying leave me now.

In the name of Jesus, you spirit of error leave me now.

In the name of Jesus, you spirit of divination leave me now.

In the name of Jesus, you spirit of bondage leave me now.

In the name of Jesus, you spirit of haughtiness (pride) leave me now.

In the name of Jesus, you spirit of the anti-christ leave me now.

In the name of Jesus, you spirit of heaviness (depression) leave me now.

In the name of Jesus, you spirit of jealousy (anger) leave me now.

In the name of Jesus, you spirit of slumber, sluggard leave me now.

And the last enemy is Death, so in the name of Jesus, you, spirit of death leave me now.

Praise Jesus I am free.

Lord Jesus fill me now with your Love, Joy, Peace, Gentleness, Meekness, Patience, Temperance and Faith. And I receive them now.

Iniquity of Fathers

(the way your family is bent)

Father, in the name of Jesus, I want to be free of all of the past iniquity of my personal life, including that of my forefathers. I know that all of my sins are forgiven by the blood of Jesus and that as far as You are concerned, it's just as if I had never sinned. But I also know that there are experiences in the past that have had a profound effect upon my emotions, mind and will. The enemy has used these to oppress me and keep me from changing. I want to deal with all of these now, especially those that came in through the perversity, fault or iniquity of my fathers and that have caused me to not realize complete liberty and freedom in the Lord Jesus Christ. As I am shown each of them, I will confess them as sin unto You. I now confess the sins of my fathers, known and unknown. I accept forgiveness for them according to 1 John 1:9 which says,

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from unrighteousness.

Thank You, Father, for forgiveness and cleansing from all unrighteousness. I renounce those sins and break and loose myself from all of the consequences and curses. I break all curses of the sins of my fathers. Satan, I renounce you. You and all of your demons leave me now. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I declare myself free from all bondage that has come in through the sins of my fathers. Thank You, Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus!

How do I pray model prayers