Page Suggestions: the Order of the Illuminati
Double Binds and Double Agents
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This religious alter had me fooled for a few seconds until I could see what she was being used to do. When I asked her to pray for an in-filling of the true Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) she ignored me. The deliverance session was halted about 90% of the way through. A religious alter had temporarily sabotaged the process.
Never underestimate Satan's deviousness and subtlety. To become a deliverance minister you have to know about these things, and be subtle yourself but simultaneously harmless as doves (Matthew 10:16Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.Matthew 10 verse 16,
Philippians 2:15
That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world.Philippians 2 verse 15;
Hebrews 7:26
For such an high priest became us, [who is] holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens.Hebrews 7 verse 26). Understanding the mind of Satan is important. And as I said, there isn't much to learn once you know the basic, recurring thematic techniques.
One of the most dangerous deliverance ministers is an SRA victim with MPD who is not fully delivered, who possesses saved alters attempting to do deliverance on others. Here Satan uses a similar technique which I will illustrate using another story, also from the last war. In this story, an English woman falls in love with an Irishman who is a German agent. She loves her country but is blinded by her misplaced love, and so she becomes an unwilling recruit in order to save her lover's life from execution. She refuses to harm her own people and thus serve German interests in that way but she does help him escape and, doubtless, to perpetrate further crimes for his masters. Satan often recruits victims in this way too, as we have seen from the Samael story above, exploiting our God-given sense of loyalty by maneuvering people into a set of circumstances that results in the Stockholm Syndrome.
And so it was that one SRA victim, whom we helped lead to a partial deliverance, became a self-appointed deliverance minister. The alter in question labours hard to serve Christ to the best of her ability and ministers to other SRA victims with MPD. And there is no doubt that she has done a good service. She is not, however, her own mistress, and a large part of her system remains demonised and in the service of a Satanist coven. Though I had always knows that things were seriously wrong (her anti-Torah stance reminding me of the continuing presence of Hecate, whom I encountered in her many times in her own deliverance), I did not realise how dangerous she was until she appeared in our chat room and started ministering to another SRA victim. She gave excellent advice, demonstrated a clear understanding of many saving principles, and was altogether viewed by those present in a very positive light. What she did not know was that at the same time she was ministering to victims of SRA that other dark alters and/or satanists to whom she was linked by unrevealed soul-ties within, of which she was not conscious, were sending curses our way. It was my wife who picked them up, along with a trainee minister in the room who suddenly became very drained and had to briefly withdraw. My wife recognized what was going on immediately and reported it to me.
Please understand just how devious Satan can be. Partial deliverance is never enough. Partially delivered SRA victims can be, and are, reprogrammed to do different tasks if they fall into the hands of their original coven and programmers again. I recall distinctly after this particular victim was recaptured by her old coven that Yahweh told me that she would be used by Satan as an infiltrator and double agent. Exploiting the trust of clients gained by the almost totally delivered alters because of their experience and ministry, he would use other cult alters to send curses to those people with whom an open door of trust had been established through the 'delivered' Christian alter. Indeed I know that this particular victim had a cult alter who sent curses out 24 hours a day with unswerving religious, almost monastic, duty.
This is precisely what has happened. Her demons knew that my wife and I knew what they were about and have carefully kept us apart. Instead, she had an influence on a trainee minister who was asked by her to keep certain 'secrets' and confidences, for reasons that the discerning will readily appreciate, and even told him 'confidentially' that I was 'demon-possessed'. This victim stubbornly refused counsel time and time again to extricate herself from her present circumstances and remained under coven control. The Christian alters did not, however, know this. They believed that the whole system was nearly totally healed and integrated.
Whoever you are reading this, please understand that I am not writing this to 'attack' any victim but to expose the trickery of the Enemy. He is far more devious than people give him credit for, including and especially Christians. I take no pleasure in writing these things for I know it will simply make me the object of further hostility by those still in bondage and delusion. Understand that you take a major risk in seeking counsel from a partially-delivered SRA victim especially if you are the trusting sort. Every SRA victim has cult alters, who pose as true believers, programmed to deceive Christians. And even when alters meet the resurrected Christ and experience a genuine salvation, Satan is not slow in putting them into a spiritual slumber. It takes only belief in some lies to do that, especially about Torah. The first principle of deliverance ministry is not Love but Truth - Love in Truth. By recruiting and happily accommodating watered-down versions of the Gospel, Satan is able to reimpose spiritual bondage on delivered souls and to make them agents on another level of deception and control. There is no such thing as a full deliverance without Total Truth, just as there is no such thing as a full salvation in Christ without the fruits of that salvation, viz. Torah-obedience. Total Truth very much includes, as a fruit of true salvation and love, obedience to the commandments which is why Satan opposes it so vigorously - our lawlessness is, quite simply, the ground for his own claims, control and continuing abuse. And it is over this issue that this ministry separates itself out from those offering deliverance without Torah-obedience.
How does Satan maintain this delusion? Quite simply, when SRA victims are programmed by their controllers, key scriptures are paired with certain traumas. This has the perverse effect of disrupting a victim's relationship with Yahweh when she meets such scriptures during her deliverance. Certain scriptures either become a kind of taboo (such as commandment-keeping passages) or twisted (ones especially relating to our relationship with Yahweh).
Planned fracturing of personalities follows the biblical script except with each concept, trauma is bound to them (like sexual abuse, torture or murder) that leads to demonisation. Almost universal programming involves recreating a type of Trinity system within in which the victim becomes a pantheist, believing she is God in three parts. The core is split two ways into two opposites of 'good' and 'evil' (relatively-speaking, but in 'good-cop/bad-cop' mode). The Luciferian heresy is engrained and the victim believes in the blasphemy that she is the embodiment of self-worship, self-glorification, self-sufficiency and self-empowerment. That is why so many partially delivered victims are so independence-minded and want to do things their 'own way'. And in typical occultic fashion, the 'good' (yin) and 'bad' (yang) parts must be held in perfect balance. Typically, dark alters make the decision to remain in that mode because they believe this is the only way they can 'support' or 'sustain' the work being done by light alters who have accepted salvation because they are still controlled by the Luciferian programming that they must 'balance' the saved alters out in some way.
This is, of course, both impossible and ultimately subversive. Even though they may initially have had some sympathy with the saved alters, they are slowly drawn back more fully into the original patterning and serve as 'behind-the-scenes' operatives for Satan, using the light (Christian) alters to serve their ultimate interests.
Free Masonry and other occultic bodies like the Rosicrucians operate in exactly the same way in the outside world. Those not of the 'inner core' have no idea that an inner raw satanist elite even exists. Those on the outside are involved in charitable work of all kinds and naturally win the confidence of grateful citizens for their masonic hospitals and the like. They believe there are 33 degrees on Masonry and that once you reach the 33rd, you're at the top. In truth, that is simply a border between an inner and outer organization. Above the 33rd degree are others run by hard-core satanists and Illuminati. The outer structure acts as a perfect cover for their devilish operations, and those on the outside have no idea that anything else exists within their organization.