Page Suggestions: the Order of the Illuminati

Double Binds and Double Agents

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It is the same with SRA/MPD. A partially delivered victim of SRA is exactly like a Masonic Organization with an outer, saved, benevolent Christian front serving (without their knowledge) the controlling powers of the inner, unsaved and undelivered demonic hosts. The game is winning trust in circles where trust is needed so that subversive activity can take place. In the political world communists and other totalitarian socialists have always ridden into power on the backs of liberals who become the unwitting propagators of revolution. The satanic infestation of the world today is the result of the liberal Hippie revolution of the 1960's. And today, by popularizing Wicca, raw Satanism is able to ride the back of public consciousness of these seemingly harmless nature-worshippers.

As I said, Satan's techniques and tactics all follow basic well-tried (and proven) techniques. But sadly uninformed (and usually lawless) Christians fall for this deception time and time again. That is why partially delivered SRA victims can often be highly dangerous satanic infiltrators. And the reason they remain only partially-delivered is because they reject the fullness of the Gospel and the requirement to be obedient and submissive - part of the old satanic programming still overrides the whole system of Christian thought, instilling mistrust in those who are commandment-keeping, setting liberal Christians up against conservative ones, etc.

The reason deliverance ministers must work with the core alter in SRA victims is because the core occupies the role of Yahweh Himself in the satanic programming. Once she is converted to Christ - and I mean properly converted, with full Torah-obedience (a sign of true submission to Yahweh) and not just submission to fickle feelings and 'love' (which are easily tampered with and twisted ... unlike Torah which is specific) - the whole system can be reached and the possibility for deception by the kind of infiltration scenario I have described above almost totally removed. The other two parts of this initial 'trinity' are, of course, important too since it is out of them that principally all the other alters derive. Once the core alter realizes she is not the 'Great I am' and the 'bad' primary alter realizes that she is not doomed to eternal destruction (her demonically assigned role) no matter what she does, then deliverance can take place. The twin keys of deliverance remain, however:

(1) Faith in Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) and His atoning blood;

(2) Repatterning lifestyle through obedience to Torah

Without #2, the false internal programming can simply be readjusted and the Illuminati 'One World Order' structure maintained or varied. Because their families are usually a part of this Order, they often believe they cannot save themselves without their families and so are compulsively led back to their (satanist) parents and siblings with the idea they must save them or they have failed. This is how so many victims wind back in their original covens after having escaped. The truth is they are not Saviours because they are not God. Yahweh takes care of all people in His own time and way.

This commitment to parents is the result of a wicked double-bind. SRA victims have ungodly soul ties to their parents through sexual abuse which binds and draws them in the same way as husbands and wives are supposed to be drawn and need each other in godly marriage. Double-binding starts at a very young age - a victim might, for instance, be forced to choose to kill a brother or a sister. She has to choose one or the other.

Getting away from satanist parents or relatives is a #1 priority and victims should under no circumstances try to minister deliverance to them until they have a total and complete deliverance. Another form of common satanist programming is the exploitation of natural God-given virtues. I have been working with Alzheimers for some time now and have seen this technique at work. The Alzheimers client loses short-term memory and as the disease progresses, they recall little more than their childhood. Their one compulsive desire seems always to return home to mother and father. If they are married and have children, spouse and children disappear from their consciousness and are as strangers to them. This is, of course, heart-breaking for the spouse and children. A full article on Alzheimers will appear later but basically the way it works is that lies which are believed by the client cause the truth to be submerged. A form of schizophrenia takes place or partial dissociation like MPD but without full dissociation. Nevertheless a dissociation occurs that looks like a split. If the trauma is great, a full split into alters takes place.

One client of mine was tricked by a married man into having an affair with her. She did not know he was married and when the truth came out he abandoned her with their child. The shame, pain and sense of rejection caused her to split into two alters, the dark alter holding the original pain which she went into denial over. The dark alter was suppressed and rejected - she behaved as though the event had never taken place, even to forgetting the man's name. Since that time Alzheimers has encroached on her life, a disease caused by demons pinching nerve endings in the brain and thereby causing forgetfulness. This results in physical brain degeneration so that full recovery, short of divine intervention, is virtually impossible. In that respect, it is a horrible disease. The patient becomes increasingly child like in behaviour owing to the denial of the later years, a form of amnisosis or retreat back into the womb. Parts of the patient still have memories of the immediate past and present and there are often lucid moments. The demons, however, try to keep these suppressed. When they are, the demons will not infrequently whisper into the patient's ear and tell her to 'go home to mother and father because they need you urgently' and other such lies (the parents have usually died years before, so the lie is compounded). This is why Alzheimers patients wander so much because their present surroundings are not connected to their suppressed memories or alters. Alzheimers often hear voices or see imaginary people, all theatrics produced by demons. Their suppressed or hidden selves do, of course (in most cases) deeply love their spouses and children and would never wish to hurt them. When in the presence of their spouse, whom they do not recognise, to prevent their system from crashing because of conflicting data, the demons cause them to believe that their spouse is their father or mother by looping them into memories from the past. It is a form of hypnotic masking. Perfectly nice and decent people, including Christians, can thereafter (when they 'get' Alzheimers') literally be transformed from Dr. Hydes into Mr. Jeckells. The demonic purpose is to get unredeemed parts of the personality, whether alters or not, to assume the dominant position by suppressing the redeemed parts who (because that is the usual natural progression of events) were converted to Christ later in life.

The methodology of subversion in Alzheimers is basically the same as in SRA/MPD. The benefit of receiving Christ early in one's life becomes obvious. Luckily one of my Alzheimers clients was raised a Christian so her nature is basically sweet. Others are not and can be thieving rogues and exploiters of the Christian ones. If you ever get acquainted with people in an Alzheimers Home as I have done you will be surprised how Christian behaviour, cultivated over a lifetime, can slowly degenerate into raw heathenism as all the artificial restraints are bypassed and the soul expresses its essential self. You soon see who are genuinely in Christ and who are not. Alzheimers, in a way, separates out nominal from actual born-again Christians.

We have but touched the tip of the iceberg where double-binds and double agents are concerned. Doubtless you, the reader, can think of many, many more. It is important to be sensitized to their reality and to learn to spot them as functions of various kinds of abuse. They are exposed by simply asking Yah'shua (Jesus) to shine the light of His truth on them, and to reject and undo through the power of His blood and vows connected to them when their horrible truth is revealed. Then the demons associated with them can be easily expelled.

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