Page updated 28 September 2018

Bible Prophecy and Current Events

I see a persecution through a media struggle. There's a present, tremendous freedom for preaching the gospel on television.... but watch out, persecution and harassment is already beginning. There's a sound of change in the and tv programming will become the target of satanic forces determined to force every one of them off the airwaves. Already there's a behind the scenes movement to establish a kind of waiting system for all religious radio and tv programming and the liberal leaders of this super church council will soon attempt to establish the kind of screening board and force themselves on the FCC as the final authority on all paid and sustaining religion on the media. They want no program to be aired without their approval. The doors are now wide open but are soon and surely gonna close. -David Wilkerson, 1973 Prophecy - The Vision-

Ed Hindson

Angels: Messengers of God
Are Heaven and Hell Real?
Battle for America in the Last Days
Demons: Fallen Angels [Segment 1 of 3]
Demons: Fallen Angels [Segment 2 of 3]
Demons: Fallen Angels [Segment 3 of 3]
Final Signs: 666 - Key Players in the Final Drama
Final Signs: The Gathering Storm
Is There Life After Death [Full Program]
Is There Life After Death [Segment 1 of 3]
Is There Life After Death [Segment 2 of 3]
Is There Life After Death [Segment 3 of 3]
Judgment Begins at the House of God
Revelation: Armageddon
Revelation: Bowls of Wrath
Revelation: The Fall of Babylon
Satan: Prince of Demons - God of this world
7 Future Events That Will Shake the World
The Apostate Church
The Coming World Leader
The Millennial Kingdom
The Rise of Globalism
The Rise of the Beast
What to do if you're left behind [Full Program]
What to do if you're left behind [Segment 1 of 3]
What to do if you're left behind [Segment 2 of 3]
What to do if you're left behind [Segment 3 of 3]
Where is America in Bible prophecy [Full Program]
Where is America in Bible prophecy [Segment 1 of 3]
Where is America in Bible prophecy [Segment 2 of 3]
Where is America in Bible prophecy [Segment 3 of 3]
WHO Secularized America [Segment 1 of 3]
WHO Secularized America [Segment 2 of 3]
WHO Secularized America [Segment 3 of 3]
Will the church go through the tribulation [Full Program]
Will the church go through the tribulation [Segment 1 of 3]
Will the church go through the tribulation [Segment 2 of 3]
Will the church go through the tribulation [Segment 3 of 3]
Will the Church Survive [Full Program]
Will the Church Survive [Segment 1 of 3]
Will the Church Survive [Segment 2 of 3]
Will the Church Survive [Segment 3 of 3]

Jack Van Impe

TITLE (Watch JVI's weekly broadcast and youtube channel.)
Jack talks about the death penalty
Jack talks about TBN (25 January 2014)
Jack Van Impe Explains TBN Departure (26 June 2011)

Joseph Caetta Other sermons Sermons